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During school experience

As a St Mary's mentor, you will be involved in the delivery of the curriculum and a variety of key processes to promote trainee progress during school experience. 

At the start of the placement, each trainee will be allocated a link tutor. They will arrange an initial training meeting and monitoring and quality assurance (M&QA) visits with mentors and trainees over the course of the placement. These should be at regular intervals, as detailed in the school experience overviews. In the overviews, you will also find details of the programme content and intended learning outcomes for each placement. 

On a weekly basis, mentors will be required to formally observe lessons and provide feedback, attend weekly training meetings with their trainee, support the construction of appropriate SMART targets, and review their trainee's progress or assessment record. Copies and exemplars of our key documents can be used to support mentors in working with our trainees.

To support our mentors in working with St Mary's trainees over the course of the placement, we offer a range of training, access to subject resources, and guidance on supporting students with declared disabilities and promoting wellbeing on placement

Partnership newsletters

When hosting a trainee for their school experience, you will receive weekly communication from our Partnership team. This will include key information, updates and details of training and be sent to PCMs in our secondary schools and both PCMs and mentors in our primary schools. 

Getting in touch

We are always happy to offer guidance to our mentors and enjoy working closely with those supporting our trainees. Please direct queries to your link tutor in the first instance, but do not hesitate to reach out to other members of the team if further support is needed.

Partnership contacts

Secondary contacts

Primary contacts