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Monitoring and quality assurance (M&QA) visits

As part of St Mary’s University's rigorous system of quality assurance of school experience, link tutors will oversee a required number of M&QA visits. The number and timing of the visits is dependent on the phase of training and further details can be found on our school experience overviews

The purpose of M&QA visits

    The purpose of link tutor visits to schools is:
  • to ensure the trainee is receiving their CCF entitlement, and effective links are being made to the university curriculum
  • to support the mentor by providing support, guidance and a collaborative training opportunity, whilst quality assuring the consistency of mentoring against St Mary’s Partnership Agreement
  • to monitor the trainee’s progress through the SMART targets provided in the Weekly Training Meeting
  • to monitor the trainee’s well-being and workload.

Before each M&QA meeting the trainee is required to have updated key documents

    These are:
  • weekly training records, including current developmental targets and reflections
  • lesson feedback records
  • progress or assessment record
  • profile child records (primary only).

M&QA School Link Tutor Visit

  • The LT and mentor/PCM will carry out a joint formal observation of the whole or part of the lesson.
  • The trainee must provide paper copies of the lesson plan, resources and Lesson Feedback Record (first page completed by trainee, including targets for the observation) for all observers.
  • The observers will annotate the lesson plan and consider the trainee’s progress in relation to their targets as identified on the Lesson Feedback Record.
  • Post-lesson observation, the observers will meet briefly to discuss the trainee’s progress and review SMART targets.
  • Where possible a post-lesson discussion will be held, led by the mentor or PCM with additional input from the trainee and LT. The trainee will be asked to reflect on progress and next steps.
  • The observers will provide the trainee with their annotated lesson plan and Lesson Feedback Record which the trainee will upload to Abyasa.
  • The LT will monitor and update the progress or assessment record and check the trainee’s Abyasa profile is up to date.
  • The LT will discuss the trainee’s well-being and workload. Have there been any challenges in practice?
  • Does the mentor have any concerns with the progress of the trainee?
  • If possible, cover for the mentor or PCM should be arranged to facilitate the LT visit. 

M&QA Remote Link Tutor Visit (discussion points)

  • Is the trainee keeping up to date with the teaching opportunities on the Training Plan?
  • Is the trainee creating lesson plans and resources for all lessons?
  • Are formal observations taking place once a week and progress discussed?
  • How successful was the trainee’s last observed lesson? What progress was made in achieving previous targets? What are their current targets?
  • Is the observer completing the Lesson Feedback Record and trainee receiving post observation feedback?
  • Are the Weekly Training Meetings taking place and SMART targets being reviewed?
  • Can the trainee reflect on progress and next steps?
  • Is the mentor overseeing the evidence in the progress or assessment record?
  • Is the trainee’s Abyasa profile up to date?
  • Are the trainee’s files up to date? Discuss a lesson plan and evaluation that impacted a follow up lesson or intervention.
  • How is the trainee managing workload and wellbeing? Have there been any challenges in practice?
  • Does the mentor have any concerns with the progress of the trainee?

M&QA Sign Off

At the end of each phase of school experience, a final check is made to ensure that all placement requirements have been met and paperwork is completed, including the progress or assessment record and reflective comments.