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Professional and Personal Development

We are committed to supporting and developing our staff, offering a range of opportunities for staff development. We encourage staff to make use of these resources to support their personal and professional growth.

Individual Development Support

Departments are responsible for funding development, such as short courses, or attending conferences under £1,000. The Learning and People Development Team is happy to advise on putting together a development plan with your line manager and signposting to external courses and reputable training providers.

Please email if you would like to discuss your development needs with an L&PD Partner.

Staff can apply for central funding for qualifications and courses over £1,000. Applications are invited in June and October each year. The application window is announced on the website and in the staff newsletter. For more information, please visit the Qualification Funding webpage.

Soft skills include interpersonal skills, such as active listening and influencing, communication skills such as presentation and writing, time management skills, critical thinking, wellbeing and resilience, and many more.

The University Mentoring Scheme is open to all staff. The aim of the scheme is to provide support to staff with their career and professional development. We have mentors from across the University at different levels and areas, both from Academic and Professional Services.

Find out more information about the University Mentoring Scheme.

Springboard is a work and personal development programme created specifically to support women to achieve their full potential both at work and in their personal lives. This programme is suitable for staff working in any area of the university. Visit Springboard Women's Development Programme for more information.

St Mary's University offers a range of short courses for staff. There is a fee for taking part in these courses, so you will need to agree funding for the course with your department or self-fund. 

St Mary’s staff are also able to claim discounts across our selected range of short courses and evening classes. There is a dedicated page for courses eligible to be discounted which will be updated throughout the year, so do keep checking back for new courses. You can view the full list of short courses at St Mary's Discounted Short Courses.

Departments can fund conferences and short courses from local budgets. If there is a conference or short course you are interested in attending, speak to your line manager in the first instance. The Learning and People Development Team can signpost you to courses on topics such as personal development or leadership development if required.

A good starting point for courses relevant to Higher Education is Advance HE, a member-led, sector-owned charity that works with institutions and higher education across the world to improve higher education for staff, students, and society. To view their programme of events, please visit Advance HE Events.

If the course you are interested in is more than £1,000, you can also apply for central funding.

You can find high quality learning for low or even no cost from a range of sources. You can also develop through informal or on the job learning in a range of ways. 

Work shadowing

You can spend time shadowing in another department or even another organisation, to learn about other ways of working, or to understand another area in more detail. To arrange work shadowing, reach out to the department or your contact directly to ask if you can shadow them, or speak to your manager to see if they can make an introduction.

Stretch projects

Stretch projects are projects you take part in to help you develop your knowledge or skills in a new area through real experience. It is best combined with coaching by your line manager or a colleague who is more experienced in the area you will be working on.

Task rotation

Task rotation involves rotating responsibility for tasks within a team, giving people the opportunity to gain experience of new areas or different parts of a process. This also had the advantage of reducing single person dependencies, where only one person knows how certain tasks are completed.

Join a committee or working group

Joining a committee or working group can give you experience and insight into organisational decision making and how different departments work together. An option open to all staff members is joining one of our EDI Staff Networks, which are involved in initiatives to improve Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at St Mary's.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

There is an increasing number of providers offering open online courses. Many of these are delivered through partnerships with universities and specialist organisations, and often available for free or for a low cost. Examples include FutureLearn, OpenLearn, Coursera, and EdX.

Development relating to how you can help make St Mary’s a more inclusive place to work and study. This can include development understanding the issues impacting specific groups, or broader development on inclusive behaviours, and allyship.

SMILE Catalogues

You can browse through a suite of online courses specially curated for St Mary's staff on our local Learning Management System, SMILE (St Mary's Integrated Learning Experience).

Essential training

Some courses related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion are required for all staff to complete. These include Equality and Diversity, Safeguarding, and Dignity at Work. Access our e-learning modules.

Getting involved with one of our six EDI Staff Networks is a great way to learn more about different experiences and challenges facing individuals. 

There are several learning opportunities offered, such as:

  • attending events organised by the EDI Staff Networks
  • browsing the resources on the EDI Network Pages. The networks have put together suggested resources where you can learn more
  • having a conversation with one of the Network Chairs. All our network chairs are happy to have a chat if you want to learn more about a particular area of inclusion
  • joining a network.

Find out more about the EDI Staff Networks.

St Mary's organises a range of EDI events during the year, some of which are organised in partnership with the EDI staff Networks. Others relate to EDI Programmes and Initiatives, such as the Race Equality Charter, Athena Swan Charter, or Disability Confident. 

  • Let's talk about race: Members of the REC SAT host monthly conversations for St Mary's staff and students which seek to provide a safe space for staff and students to have difficult conversations about race, ask questions, and learn. Find recordings of previous conversations.
  • Menopause workshops: St Mary's offers sessions on menopause focused on the importance of getting to know your body, whatever your age, and listening to and celebrating your body at every stage of your life! Details will be published on the website and in the staff newsletter when dates are available.

Development relating to supporting or guiding others, particularly students. This includes Personal Tutor development, understanding mental health, and how to support someone experiencing mental or emotional distress, or how to support an individual facing a particular issue, for example, bereavement, harassment, or mental health difficulties.

The Sunflower Scheme Resources Page on Moodle contains resources, information, and video training on supporting students with a disability (including Mental Health) or who are neurodiverse. This includes recordings of training on Hidden Disability, Deaf Awareness, making digitally accessible content, and more. Access the resources.

Student Services have developed detailed guidance on supporting students in distress, as well as a two hour workshop on the same topic. The training will be advertised on the website and in the Staff Newsletter when dates are available, or the Wellbeing Team can arrange to deliver sessions directly to teams.

Read written guidance and resources.

Contact if you would like to arrange a session for your team.

Development to support you with academic practice. This includes learning and teaching, assessment practices, curriculum design, and support for personal tutoring and supervising dissertations.

Academic Professional Development is organised by Centre for Teaching Excellence and Student Success (CTESS).

The IPD route (PGCert in Academic Practice programme) is designed to support you as a new academic to develop your teaching practice. The taught modules provide grounding in pedagogic and professional practices, scholarship of learning and teaching, and inquiry into practice.

If you are applying for Fellowship of the HEA, CTESS offer support for your application. This includes Induction workshops, virtual writing retreats, and feedback on draft applications from the Academic Development Team.

St Mary's Festival of Learning and Teaching is our flagship annual learning and teaching event. The Festival brings together colleagues from St Mary's, our collaborative partners, and other universities to explore our teaching practices around key themes in higher education.

CTESS offer a range of workshops organised during the year.

Peer Observation for Professional Development (POPD) is for all staff who teach or directly support students’ learning (for example those offering academic study support). The process engages pairs of colleagues in cycles of planning, observation, reflection, and action with the intention of enhancing teaching and the learning environment as contributory factors to student learning. 

All new academic staff must complete five modules covering academic integrity. Topics include how you can support students to learn about good academic practices, and how you can build more robust approaches to academic integrity into your modules and assessments that minimise opportunities for students to commit academic misconduct. Experienced staff are also encouraged to complete modules three to five.

Each module takes 35-40 minutes to complete. You can find out more and access the module here.

Development to support research skills, writing research funding proposals, research integrity and ethics etc.

PhD/EdD fee waivers

St Mary’s University offers a small number of fee waiver awards to support staff to obtain PhDs/EdDs. Interested staff should contact their line manager and PGR leads within their Faculty/Institutes in the first instance. Fee waivers are open to members of St Mary’s staff who adhere to the scheme’s criteria. The award covers 75% of the tuition fees only, and staff are required to pay the remaining 25% of the fee to the University. For more information, please contact Research Services via

Development to support you to develop your skills as a people manager or leader at St Mary’s University. Leadership is not exclusive to people management roles, for example, leading a working group or committee.

Mentoring can support you with a range of professional development, but can be an excellent option to support you to develop leadership or management skills. Working with a mentor who is more experienced in the area of leadership and/or management provides a confidential space to share your experiences and benefit from your mentor's perspective.

The University Mentoring Scheme is open to all staff. The aim of the scheme is to provide support to staff with their career and professional development. We have mentors from across the University at different levels and areas, both from Academic and Professional Services.

Applications for mentoring are welcome from staff of all levels of experience who would like to be supported with their professional growth. Details of the next application window and how to apply will be advertised on staff news and announcements on the website and in the staff newsletter.

Aurora is Advance HE's leadership development initiative for women. Aurora aims to enable a wider range of women in academic and professional roles to think of themselves as future leaders, to develop the skills they will need, and to help their institutions to maximise the use of the skills they acquire. Applications are now closed, and will re-open in 2024.

Visit the Aurora information sheet to find out more.

The Diversifying Leadership Programme is designed by Advance HE to support early-career academics and professional services staff from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds who are about to take their first steps into a leadership role. It explores themes of power and influence, demystifying leadership, cultural identity, and cultural capital, increasing your visibility and authentic leadership, and features leadership stories from high-profile HE leaders. The application window for the Diversifying Leadership Programme will be announced on the website and in the staff newsletter.

Development to support you to use computers and software effectively e.g. Microsoft Word, Excel. Also includes understanding digital accessibility.

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) training

For support on key SMU learning and teaching platforms, please visit the TEL Platforms self-help webpages. Here you will find guidance and advice to utilise the platforms Moodle, Zoom, Mahara, Vevox, Panopto, Turnitin, and Flipgrid. You can also book a 1:1 training session where you can receive guidance should you need additional support. For Learning Design support, please contact The Hub Online.

Staff self-help guidance

The IT Self-Help Pages include guidance on a range of commonly used software, and in some cases links to relevant training courses. 

All staff at St Mary's University are expected to remain up to date on essential training, as identified in the University's Essential Skills Matrix. Most of this was available as e-learning courses hosted on our SMILE site. Log in using Single Sign-On. 

Visit our e-learning page for more information.

Health and safety training

Some areas and roles also have additional health and safety training requirements. You can find these modules under the 'My Courses' tab on SMILE

Team development support

Are you looking to undertake some team building activities in your team? We can help!

We can support you at various stages of the journey, including:

  • helping you identify the specific needs
  • design and planning of development activities
  • delivery/facilitation of activities
  • assessment of the impact of the activities
  • evaluation of the project.

If you would like our help, please contact

Away days are a great way to get all team members together to focus on particular topics that affect them. They enable thinking time away for the busy work environment, enabling innovation, and creation of ideas without interruptions.

We can help you design and deliver/facilitate your away day to ensure you get the outcomes you want to achieve whether it's to bring together a new team, ensure people understand the departments vision, develop the department's strategy.

Team training focuses on specific skills or learning your team needs. The benefits of bespoke and tailored training are that the training can be designed to fit your context and link into the work your team is actually doing. This means knowledge and skills gained are easier to apply back in the workplace, and you can more easily take an active role in making sure this happens.

You might consider bespoke or tailored training so your team can:

  • learn or embed a new way of working in the team, such as a new process or approach
  • develop soft skills such as communication, leadership skills, or critical and strategic thinking
  • develop hard skills such as project management, IT skills or data analysis
  • gain knowledge about a particular area such as new legislation, awareness (e.g., disability, equality and diversity, mental health).

Change management is a structured approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented, and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved.

It's important to consider the wider impacts of change, particularly on people and how they, as individuals and teams, move from the current situation to the new one. The change in question could range from a simple process change, to major changes which affect the whole team and service.

We can help you to manage change successfully by developing interventions that support you and your teams to consider the tangible impacts of change and the personal impact on those affected, and their journey towards working and behaving in new ways to support the change.