The mission of IRRC is to work with external partners to produce high quality research that meets their needs and seeks to provide a duty of care to those who are injured and members of their support network.
The cluster aims to:
- To provide an evidence-based that will influence and underpin policy-making and service-delivery to support injured populations and those within their support network
- To synthesize and disseminate evidence-based knowledge on injury and rehabilitation to decision-makers, service-providers, professionals, media, and members of the public
- To co-construct injury- and rehabilitation-related research questions with external partners that meets their needs
- To conduct original and rigorous injury and rehabilitation research
- To publish high quality injury research so that others can benefit from our findings
- To disseminate our research in an appropriate format for its intended user
- To provide critical insights on how our research findings can inform policies and practices
- To build and sustain relationships with external stakeholders
The cluster holds regular research seminars at St Mary’s University. Its members are also regularly invited to present their research and facilitate workshops for staff and/or patients at hospitals, charities, and other Higher Education Institutions (such as Headley Court [Defence Medical Rehabilitation Unit], Royal College of Surgeons, Queen Mary’s Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital, Wellington Hospital). Please contact if you would like to attend our research seminars.
External members
- Prof Sheldon Hanton (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
- Prof Stephen Mellalieu (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
- Prof Lynne Evans (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
- Dr Ian Mitchell (Wales National Team Performance Psychologist)
- Dr Rich Neil (Cardiff Metropolitan University)
- Dr Leslie Podlog (University of Utah)
- Dr Nick Galli (University of Utah)
- Dr Melissa Day (University of Chichester)
- Dr Chris Wagstaff (University of Portsmouth)
- Dr Francesca Cavallerio (Anglia Ruskin University)
- Dr Doug King (Auckland University of Technology)
- Prof Patria Hume (Auckland University of Technology)
- Dr Catherine Blake (University College Dublin)
- Dr Fiona Wilson (Trinity College Dublin)
- Dr Michael Turner (Former Head of Medicine at the British Horseracing Authority)
- Dr Lisa Hodgson (Rugby Football League and Football Association)
PhD students
Current PhD students
- Mr David Silver
- Mr Enda King
- Ms Phoebe Sanders
- Ms Kim Humphreys
- Ms Fiona Leggat
- Ms Hannah Levi
- Mr John Downey
- Mr Chris Hammer
- Ms Sunita Kerai
- Ms Ciara Everard
Previous PhD students
- Dr Dearbhla Gallagher (2017)
- Dr Kylie Roy (2017)
- Dr Francesca Cavallerio (2016)
- Dr Simon Crampton (2015)
- Dr Jade Salim (2015)
- Dr Giampaolo Santi
External partners
- LimbPower
- National Health Service
- Queen Mary’s Hospital
- English Institute of Sport
- English Cricket Board
- Sport Injury Clinic (Ireland)
- Golf Union of Wales
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
- University of South Wales
- University of Portsmouth
- Anglia Ruskin University
- University of Chichester
- University of Roehampton
- University of Utah
- Weber State University
- West Virginia University
- The University of Tennessee
- Minnesota State University
- University of North Texas
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
Selected publications
- Wadey, R., Day, M., Cavallerio, F., & Martinelli, L. (in press). The Multi-Level Model of Sport Injury: Can coaches impact and be impacted by injury? In R. Thelwell & M. Dicks (Eds.), Professional advances in sports coaching: Research and Practice. London: Routledge.|
- Wadey, R., & Griffins, L. (in press). Returning to the decks: A case study of an injured disc jockey. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach. London: Routledge
- Day, M., & Wadey, R. (in press). Living with a lower limb amputation: Everyday experiences of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days. Disability and Rehabilitation
- Wadey, R., & Day, M. (in press). A longitudinal examination of leisure time physical activity following amputation in England. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
- Salim, J., & Wadey, R. (in press). Can emotional disclosure promote sport injury-related growth? Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
- Hammer, C., Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Galli, N., Forber-Pratt, A., Newton, M., Hall, M., & Greviskes, L. (in press). Understanding posttraumatic growth of paratriathletes with acquired disability. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Hammer, C., Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Galli, N., Forber-Pratt, A. J., & Newton, M. (in press). From core belief challenge to posttraumatic growth in para sport athletes: Moderated medicated by needs satisfaction and deliberate rumination. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- King, E., Richter, C., Franklyn-Miller, A., Daniels, K., Wadey, R., Moran, R., Strike, S. (in press). Whole body biomechanical differences between limbs persist 9 months after ACL reconstruction across jump/landing tasks. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport.
- King, E., Richter, C., Franklyn-Miller, A., Daniels, K., Wadey, R., Jackson, M., Moran, R., Strike, S. (in press). Biomechanical but not timed performance asymmetries persist between limbs 9 months after ACL reconstruction during planned and unplanned change of direction. Journal of Biomechanics.
- Wadey, R., & Day, M. (in press). A longitudinal examination of leisure time physical activity following amputation in England. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
- Day, M., & Wadey, R. (in press). Living with a lower limb amputation: Everyday experiences of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Wadey, R, Day, M., Cavallerio, F., & Martinelli, L. (in press). Muiltlevel Model of Sport Injury (MMSI): Can coaches impact and be impacted by injured? In R. Thelwell & M. Dicks (Eds.), Professional advances in sports coaching: Research and Practice. London: Routledge.
- Wadey, R., & Griffins, L. (in press). A Disc Jockey’s return to the desks and beyond following a chronic injury. In M. Arvinen-Barrow & D. Clement (Eds.), The psychology of sport and performance injury: An interprofessional case-based approach. London: Routledge.
- Hammer, C., Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Galli, N., Forber-Pratt, A., Newton, M., Hall, M., & Greviskes, L. (in press). Understanding posttraumatic growth of paratriathletes with acquired disability. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Hammer, C., Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Galli, N., Forber-Pratt, A. J., & Newton, M. (in press). From core belief challenge to posttraumatic growth in para sport athletes: Moderated medicated by needs satisfaction and deliberate rumination. Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Cavallerio, F., Wadey, R., & Wagstaff, C. (in press). Life after gymnastics: A narrative account of former elite gymnasts. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health.
- Sanders, P., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S. (in press). A confessional tale of integrating in a medical environment. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health.
- Day, M., & Wadey, R. (in press). Researching growth following adversity in sport and exercise: Methodological implications and future recommendations. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health.
- Roy-Davis, K., Wadey, R., & Evans, L. (in press). A grounded theory of sport injury-related growth. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology.
- Roe, M., Malone, S., Blake, C., Collins, K., Gissane, C., Battner, F., Murphy, J., & Delahunt, E. (2017). A six stage operational framework for individualising injury risk management in sport. Injury Epidemiology, 20, 4-26.
- Roe, M., Murphy, J.C., Gissane, C. and Blake, C., 2017. Lower limb injuries in men’s elite Gaelic football: a prospective investigation among division one teams from 2008 to 2015. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.
- Schlingermann BE, Lodge C, Gissane C, Rankin PM. The effects of the GAA15 on lower extremity injury incidence and neuromuscular functional outcomes in collegiate Gaelic games. J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jul 5.
- King D, Hecimovich M, Clark T, Gissane C. Measurement of head impacts in a sub-elite Australian Rules football team with an instrumented patch: an exploratory analysis. International journal of Sports Science and Coaching.
- Molloy JH, Murphy I, Gissane C. The King-Devick (K-D) test and concussion diagnosis in semi-professional rugby union players. J Sci Med Sport 2017; 20:708-11.
- O'Malley E, Murphy JC, McCarthy Persson U, Gissane C, Blake C. The effects of the GAA 15 training program on neuromuscular outcomes in Gaelic football and hurling players; a randomized cluster trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2017;2119-30.
- King D, Hume P, Gissane C, Clark T. Semi-professional rugby league players have higher concussion risk than professional or amateur participants: a pooled analysis. Sports Med. 2017; 47:197-205.
- King D, Hume P, Gissane C, Clark T. Head impacts in a junior rugby league team measured with a wireless head impact sensor: an exploratory analysis. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2016 Oct 28:1-11.
- Day, M., & Wadey, R. (2016). Narratives of trauma and recovery: The complex role of sport following permanent acquired disability. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 131-138.
- Francesca, C., Wadey, R., & Wagstaff, C. (2016). Understanding overuse injuries in rhythmic gymnastics: A 12-month ethnographic study. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 25, 100-109.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M.,Clement, D., Hamson-Utley, J. J., Kamphoff, C., Zakrajzek, R., Lee, S-M., Lintunen, T., Hemmings, B., & Martin, S. (2016). Athletes’ expectations about sport injury rehabilitation: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 25, 338-347.
- Salim, J., Wadey, R., & Diss, C. (2016). Examining the relationship between hardiness, coping, and stress-related growth. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 28, 154-169.
- Neil, R., Mellalieu, S. D., & Wadey, R. (2016). It’s good to talk ... injury. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review, 12, 69-76.
- Roe M, Blake C, Gissane C, Collins K. Injury scheme claims in Gaelic games: a review of 2007-2014. J Ath Train 2016 51(4).
- King DA, Hume PA, Gissane C, Clark TN. Similar head impact acceleration measured using instrumented ear patches in a junior rugby union team during matches in comparison with other sports. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2016.
- Farrell G, McGrath F, Hogan B, Logan M, Denvir K, O'Connell B, Irwin E, Gissane C, Wilson F. 95% prevalence of abnormality on hip MRI in elite academy level rugby union: a clinical and imaging study of hip disorders. J Sci Med Sport. 2016; 19:893-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2016.01.005
- King D, Hume P, Gissane C, Brughelli M, Clark T. The influence of head impact threshold for reporting data in contact and collision sports: a systematic review and original data analysis. Sports Med 2016;46:151-69.
- Roe M, Murphy JC, Gissane C, Blake C. Hamstring injuries in elite Gaelic football: an 8-year investigation to identify injury rates, time-loss patterns and players at increased risk. Br J Sports Med Br J Sports Med doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-096401
- King D, Hume P, Gissane C, Clark T. Similar head impact acceleration measured using instrumented ear patches in a junior rugby union team during matches in comparison with other sports. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2016; 18:65–72.
- Wadey, R., Podlog, L., Galli, N., & Mellalieu, S. D. (2015). Stress-related growth following sport injury: Examining the applicability of the organismic valuing theory. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
- Podlog, L., Banham, S., Wadey, R., & Hall. (2015). Psychological readiness to return to sport following sport injury. The Sport Psychologist, 29, 1-14.
- Salim, J., Wadey, R., & Diss, C. (2015). Examining the relationship between hardiness and stress-related growth. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 19, 10-17.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Clement, D., Hamson-Utley, J. J., Zakrajzek, R., Lee, S-M., Kamphoff, C., Lintunen, T., Hemmings, B., & Martin, S. (2015). Athlete’s use of mental skills during sport injury rehabilitation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 24, 189-197.
- King D, Hume P, Gissane C, Clark T. Use of the King-Devick test for sideline concussion screening in junior rugby league Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2015
- King D, Gissane C, Hume PA, Flaws M. The King-Devick test was useful in the management of concussion in amateur rugby league and rugby union in New Zealand. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2015;351:58-64.
- King D, Hume PA, Brughelli M, Gissane C. Instrumented mouthguard acceleration analyses for head impacts in amateur rugby union players over a season of matches. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015; 43:614-24.
- Wadey, R. (2014). An examination of hardiness throughout the sport injury process. In R. Neil, S. Hanton, S. Fleming, & K. Wilson (Eds.), The research process in sport, exercise and health: The experiences of active researchers (pp. 154-178). London: Routledge.
- Wadey, R., & Hanton, S. (2014). Psychology of sport injury: Resilience and thriving. In F. G. O’Conner & R. Wilder (Eds.) Running medicine (pp. 932-951). Healthy Learning.
- Wadey, R., Podlog, L., Hall, M., Hamson-Utley, J., Hicks-Little, C., & Hammer, C. (2014). Re-injury anxiety, coping, and return-to-sport outcomes: A multiple mediation analysis. Rehabilitation Psychology, 59, 256-266.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Massey, W., & Hemmings, B. (2014). Role of sport medicine professionals in addressing psychosocial aspects of sport-injury rehabilitation: Professional athletes’ views. Journal of Athletic Training, 49, 764–772.
- King D, Brughelli M, Hume PA, Gissane C. Assessment, management and knowledge of sport-related concussion: systematic review Sports Med 2014; 44:449-71. DOI 10.1007/s40279-013-0134-x
- Duncan L, Coole A, McCarthy E, Johnson C, Webb MJ, O’Shea, FD, Gissane C, Wilson F. The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite academy rugby: a clinical and imaging study. J Sci Med Sport 2014;17:173-6. doi:pii: S1440-2440(13)00140-0. 10.1016/j.jsams.2013.05.014.
- King D, Gissane C, Brughelli M, Hume PA, Harawira J. Sport-related concussions in New Zealand: a review of 10 years of Accident Compensation Corporation moderate to severe claims and costs. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2014;17:250-5.
- Wilson F, Gissane C, McGregor A. Ergometer training volume and previous injury predict back pain in rowing; strategies for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:1534-7.
- Blake C, O’Malley E, Gissane C, Murphy J. Epidemiology of injuries in hurling: a prospective study 2007-11. . BMJ Open 2014;4:e005059. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005059
- King D, Gissane C, Clark T, Marshall SW. The incidence of match and training injuries in rugby league: a pooled data analysis of published studies. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 2014; 9: 417-31.
- Wilson F, Durcan L, McCarthy E, O'Shea B, Coole A, Webb M, Johnston C, Gissane C. The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite academy rugby; a clinical and imaging study with 12 month follow up. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:672, doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.300
- O'Malley E, Murphy J,Gissane C, Blake C. Epidemiology of lower limb injury in gaelic football and hurling Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:646-647, doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.230
- O'Malley E, Murphy J, Gissane C, McCarthy-Persson U, Blake C. Effective exercise based training interventions targeting injury prevention in team-based sports: a systematic review Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:647, doi:10.1136/bjsports-2014-093494.231
- Wadey, R., Evans, L., Hanton, S., & Neil, R. (2013). The effect of dispositional optimism pre- and post-injury. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 45, 387-394.
- Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Stark, A., Lochbaum, M., Hannon, J., & Newton, M. (2013). An adolescent perspective on injury recovery and the return to sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 437-446.
- Wadey, R., Clark, S., Podlog, L., & McCullough, D. (2013). Coaches’ perceptions of athletes’ stress-related growth following sport injury. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 125-135.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Clement, D. & Hemmings, B. (2013). Imagery in rehabilitation. In Arvinen-Barrow, M. & Walker, N. (eds) The Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation, pp. 71-85. Routledge, London.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M. & Hemmings, B. (2013). Goal-setting in rehabilitation. In Arvinen-Barrow, M. & Walker, N. (eds) The Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation, pp. 56-70. Routledge, London.
- King D, Gissane C, Clarke T. Concussion in amateur rugby league players in New Zealand: a review of player concussion history. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine 2013;40(2):64-9.
- Farnan D, Mahony N, Wilson F, Gissane C. A 3-month prospective study of injuries in amateur rugby and soccer. Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 2013;34:103-12.
- King D, Brughelli M, Hume P, Gissane C. Concussions in amateur rugby union identified with the use of a rapid visual screening tool. J Neurol Sci. 2013;326(1-2):59-63. doi:j.jns.2013.01.012.
- Wilson F, Gissane C, Gormley J, Simms C. Sagittal plane motion of the lumbar spine during ergometer and single scull rowing. Sport Biomechanics 2013;12(2):132-42. doi:10.1080/14763141.2012.726640.
- Evans, L., Wadey, R., Hanton, S., & Mitchell, I. (2012). Stressors experienced by injured athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 917-927.
- Wadey, R., Evans, L., Hanton, S., & Neil, R. (2012). An examination of hardiness throughout the sport injury process: A qualitative follow-up study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 872-893.
- Murphy JC, O’Malley E, Gissane C, Blake C. Incidence of Injury in Gaelic Football: A 4-Year Prospective Study. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2012: 40; 2113-20. doi: 10.1177/0363546512455315
- Gissane C, Hodgson L, Jennings D. Time-loss versus non-time-loss injuries in first team rugby league football. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 2012;22:414-7. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e318261cace
- King DA, Clark T, Gissane C. Use of a rapid visual screening tool for the assessment of concussion in amateur rugby league players. J Neurol Sci. 2012; 320:16-21.
- Wadey, R., Evans, L., Hanton, S., & Neil, R. (2012). An examination of hardiness throughout the sport injury process. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17, 103-128
- Wadey, R., & Murphy JC, Gissane C, Blake C. (2012). Injury in elite county-level hurling: a prospective study. Br J Sport Med, 46:138-42.
- Evans, L. (2011). Working with injured athletes: Research and practice. In S. Hanton & S. D. Mellalieu (Eds.), Professional practice in sport psychology: A review (pp. 107-132). London: Routledge
- Wadey, R., Evans, L., Evans, K., & Mitchell, I. (2011). Perceived benefits following sport injury: A qualitative examination of their antecedents and underlying mechanisms. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23, 142-158.
- Wilson F, Byrne A, Gissane C. (2011) A prospective study of injury and activity profile in elite soccer referees and assistant referees. Ir Med J, 2011;104:295-7.
- Mc Chesney, BD, Haig L, Gissane C (2011). The effect of thoracic spine high-velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation on myoelectric activity of the lower trapezius and posterior deltoid muscles during treadmill walking. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 14(4):141-8. doi:10.1016/j.ijosm.2011.07.001
- Wilson F, Simms C, Gormley J, Gissane C. (2011) Kinematics of lumbar spine motion in rowing during a fatiguing protocol: a comparison of ergometer and boat rowing Br J Sports Med;45:383 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2011.084038.208
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Penny, G., Hemmings, B., Corr., S. (2010). UK chartered physiotherapists' personal experiences in using psychological interventions with injured athletes: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychology of Sport & Exercise.11, 58–66
- Wilson F, Gissane C, Simms C, Gormley J. (2010). A 12 month prospective cohort study of injury in international rowers. Br J Sport Med 44:207-14
- Blake C, Sherry J, Gissane C. (2009) A survey of referee participation, training and injury in elite gaelic games referees. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 10:74 doi10.1186/1471-2474-10-74
- King DA, Gissane C. (2009). Injuries in amateur rugby league matches in New Zealand: a comparison between a division 1 and a division 2 premier grade team. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 19:277-281.
- King D, Gabbett T, Gissane C, Hodgson L. (2009). Epidemiological studies of injuries in rugby league: Suggestions for definitions, data collection and reporting methods. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 12:12-19.
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Hemmings, B., Becker, C.A., Booth, L. (2008). Sport psychology education: A preliminary survey into chartered physiotherapists’ preferred methods of training delivery. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 17, 399-412
- Arvinen-Barrow, M., Hemmings, B., Weigand, D.A., Becker, C., & Booth. L. (2007). Views of chartered physiotherapists on the psychological content of their practice: A national follow-up survey in the UK. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 16, 111-121.
- Hodgson L, Gissane C, Gabbett TJ, King D. (2007). For debate: consensus injury definitions in team sports should focus on encompassing all injuries. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 17(3): 188-191. [Invited paper].
- Wilson F, Caffrey S, King E, Casey K, Gissane C. (2007) A 6 month prospective study of injury in Gaelic football Br J Sport Med: 41(5): 317-321.
- Wilson F, Caffrey S, King E, Casey K, Gissane C. (2005) A 6 month prospective study of injury and associated risk factors in Gaelic football. Br J Sports Med:39; 405-406.
- Gissane C. (2004) What can injury research learn from other disciplines? What can sports learn from other sports? J Sci Med Sport. 7(1):56-7. [Invited editorial]
- Gissane C, White J, Jennings S, Jennings D. (2003) Health, safety, and injury in professional rugby league football. Occupational Medicine. 53: 512-517.
- Gissane C, Jennings D, Kerr K, White JA. (2003) Impact of the change in playing season on injury in rugby league football. American Journal of Sports Medicine 31(6): 954-958.
- Gissane C, Jennings D, Kerr K, White JA. (2002) A pooled data analysis of injury incidence in rugby league. Sports Medicine; 32(3): 211-216.
- Hemmings, B. & Povey, L. (2002). Views of chartered physiotherapists on the psychological content of their practice: A preliminary U.K. study. BritishJournal of Sports Medicine, 36, 61-64.
- Gissane C, White J, Kerr K, Jennings D. (2001) A cyclical operational model for the investigation of sports injuries and its application to rugby football. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33(12): 1999-2003
- Gissane C, White J, Kerr K, Jennings D. (2001) Physical collisions professional super league rugby, the demands on different player positions. Cleveland Medical Journal, 4: 137-14
- Gissane C, Jennings D, Jennings S, White J, Kerr K. (2001) Physical collisions and injury rates in professional super league rugby. Cleveland Medical Journal, 4: 147-15
- Jennings S, Robertson S, Jennings D, White J, and Gissane C. (1999). Body mass loss and dehydration in rugby league. Coaching and Sports Science Journal. 3(3):31-33
- Gissane C, Jennings DC, White JA, and Cumine A. (1998) Injury in summer rugby league football: the experiences of one club. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32: 149-152
- Gissane C, Jennings DC, Cumine AJ, Stephenson SE, and White JA. (1997) Differences in the incidence of injury between rugby league forwards and backs. Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 29(4): 91-95
- Jennings D, and Gissane C. (1997) Turf toe - Super league toe. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31: 164
- Gissane C, Phillips H, Jennings D, White J and Cumine A. (1997) Injury in rugby league football - the new super league. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31: 85
- Stephenson S, Gissane C, and Jennings DC. (1996) Injury in rugby league: a four year prospective survey. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 30: 351-354
- Gissane C, Jennings DC, and Standing P. (1993) Incidence of injury in rugby league football. Physiotherapy, 79: 305-310.