Email: stacy.winter@stmarys.ac.uk
Dr Stacy Winter is an Associate Professor in applied sport psychology at St Mary’s University. In addition to teaching and research activities, Stacy is a Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC), Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS), British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Accredited Practitioner, and Chartered Scientist with The Science Council. She has provided psychology support and consultancy to a variety of sports and supervises individuals aspiring to become applied practitioners through the BASES professional training pathway.
Areas of research supervision
- Applied sport psychology
- Professional practice and development of psychologists
- Performance interventions
- Mental-health and well-being areas
- Multidisciplinary issues and modes of working
Research profile
PhD Research Supervision:
- Lorraine O’Malley: An investigation into triadic coach-athlete-coach interpersonal relationships within sport (St Mary’s/Surrey)
- Philippa McGregor: The evaluation of psychosocial interventions in an elite youth soccer environment (Loughborough)
- Emily Martin: An exploration of trainee sport psychologists’ experiences of utilising observation (St Mary’s/Surrey)
- Phoebe Sanders: Exploring the psychosocial needs of amputee patients throughout recovery (St Mary’s/Liverpool Hope)
- Matthew Wade: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Community-Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention in Improving Physical Activity and Mental Wellbeing (St Mary’s/Liverpool Hope)
- Fiona Leggat: Using integrated knowledge translation to broaden the narrative environment in amputation rehabilitation (St Mary’s)
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- Donald, W., & Winter, S. (2022). More than carrying a bag? The role of the caddie in facilitating a golfer’s psychological performance. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology, 11, 124-137
- Salim, J., & Winter, S. (accepted). “I still wake up with nightmares”…The long-term psychological impacts from gymnasts’ maltreatment experiences, Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology.
- Uddin, N., Waldron, M., Patterson, S. D., Winter, S., & Tallent, J. (2022). A survey of combat athletes’ rapid weight loss practices and evaluation of the relationship with concussion symptom recall. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 580-587.
- Winter, S., O’Brien, F., & Collins, D. (2021). Things ain’t what they used to be? Perceived commitment in developing athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 33, 357-376
- Leggat, F., Wadey, R., Day, M., Winter, S., & Sanders, P. (2021). Bridging the know-do gap using integrated knowledge translation and qualitative inquiry: A narrative review, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
- Wade, M., Brown, N., Steele, J., Mann, S., Dancy, B., Winter, S., & Majumdar, A. (2021). The impact of signposting and group support pathways on a community-based physical activity intervention grounded in motivational interviewing, Journal of Public Health
- Vargas, M. L. F. P., & Winter, S. (2021). Weight on the bar vs. weight on the scale: A qualitative exploration of disordered eating in competitive female powerlifters. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 52.
- Collins, D., & Winter, S., (2020). Psychological models in sport psychology: A preliminary investigation. European Journal of Sport Science, 20,1235-1244
- Martin, E. A., Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2020). Land ahoy! Guidelines for navigating the choppy waters of observation practice. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 11, 34-44
- Sanders, P., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S. (2020). Narratives of recovery across the first year after major lower limb loss, Qualitative Health Research.
- Sanders, P., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S. (2020). Prosthetic rehabilitation in practice: An exploration of experiential knowledge in the multi-disciplinary team, Qualitative Health Research.
- Pack, S., Hemmings, B., Winter, S., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2020). Applied sport psychology consultants’ reflections on the role of humor in consultancy: “It's like having another skill in your arsenal. The Sport Psychologist, 34, 54-61
- Winter, S., O’Brien, F., & Collins, D. (2019). Things ain’t what they used to be? Perceived commitment in developing athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
- Pack, S., Hemmings, B., Winter, S., & Arvinen-Barrow, M. (2019). A preliminary investigation into the use of humor in sport psychology practice. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31, 494-502
- O’Malley, L., Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2018). Always picking country over club’: A creative non-fiction story of an international coach–athlete–coach triad. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health,10, 223-237
- Sanders, P., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S. (2017). Qualitative fieldwork in medical contexts: Confessions of a neophyte researcher. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health, 11,106-118
- Cooper, H., & Winter, S. (2017). Exploring the conceptualization and persistence of disordered eating in retired swimmers. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 11, 222-239
- Godfrey, S., & Winter, S. (2017). Winning Mentality: A reflective account of delivery to a professional football academy. Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Martin, E. A., Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2017). An exploration of trainee practitioners’ experiences when using observation. The Sport Psychologist.
- McGregor, P., & Winter, S. (2017). A reflective case study of sport psychology support at the lacrosse World Cup. Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology 1, 40-51
- Holder, T., & Winter, S. (2017). Experienced practitioners use of observation in applied sport psychology. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 6, 6-19
- Sanders, P., & Winter, S. (2016). Going pro: Exploring adult triathletes’ transitions into elite sport. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5, 193-205
- Winter, S., & Collins, D. (2016). Applied sport psychology, are we a profession? The Sport Psychologist, doi:10.1123/tsp.2014-0132
- Winter, S., & Collins, D. (2015a). Why do we do, what we do? Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, , 27, 35-51. doi: 10.1080/10413200.2014.941511
- Winter, S., & Collins, D. (2015b). Where is the evidence in our sport psychology practice? A UK perspective on the underpinnings of action. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 46, 175-182. doi:10.1037/pro0000014
- Winter, S., MacPherson, A. C., & Collins, D. (2014). “To think, or not to think, that is the question”. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 3, 102-115. doi:10.1037/spy0000007
- Barker, S., & Winter, S. (2014). The practice of sport psychology: A youth coaches’ perspective. International Journal of Sport Science and Coaching, 9, 379-392
Conference Communications and Published Abstracts:
- Sorensen, B. M., Meijen, C., & Winter, S., & Martin, E. (2022). Pushing myself beyond the limits: Exploring the pain experiences of female ultra-endurance athletes using a biopsychosocial lens. 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology – FEPSAC, July, 2022.
- Sinclair, A. K. M., & Winter, S. (2021). Transitioning from elite gymnastics to contemporary circus: A longitudinal case study. British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Annual Conference, November 2021 (online). Journal of Sports Sciences (Abstracts).
- Leggat, F. J., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S., & Sanders, P. (2021). An evaluation of a narrative pedagogy knowledge translation tool in the National Health Service (NHS). European Health Psychology Society Conference, August 26, online event.
- Leggat, F. J., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S., & Sanders, P. (2021). “Should all stories be shared?”: The possibilities and challenges of translating narrative knowledge for major lower limb amputation. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Conference, June 30, online event.
- Wade, M., Brown, N., Winter, S., Dancy, B., & Majumdar, A. (2019).The influence of disability on physical activity and mental wellbeing outcomes as part of a community-based motivational interviewing physical activity programme. Public Health Science 2019 conference: London, November, 2019 (Poster presentation).
- Sanders, P., Wadey, R., Day, M., & Winter, S. (2019). Exploring the recovery trajectories of patients during the first year following major lower limb loss. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference: Portland, Oregon, October, 2019(Oral presentation).
- Vargas, M. L., & Winter, S. (2019). Weight on the bar vs. weight on the scale: Disordered eating pathology in competitive female powerlifters. Women in Sport and Exercise Conference: St Mary’s, London, June, 2019 (Oral presentation).
- Sorensen, B. M., Meijen, C., & Winter, S. (2019).Female ultra-endurance athletes: An exploration of their pain experiences. Women in Sport and Exercise Conference: St Mary’s, London, June, 2019 (Poster presentation).
- Cooper, H., & Winter, S. (2018).Exploring the conceptualization and persistence of disordered eating in retired swimmers. British Psychological Society Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Annual Conference: Belfast, December, 2018(Poster presentation).
- Martin, E. A., Winter, S., & Holder, T.(2017). We all look but do we see? Evaluating an observation intervention for trainee practitioners. Joint European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) and British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)Conference: Nottingham, November, 2017(Poster presentation).
- McGregor, P., Fletcher, D., Randall, R., & Winter, S.(2017). Breaking the mould: Talking emotions with academy soccer coaches. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference: Orlando, Florida, October, 2017(Oral presentation).
- Cooper, H., & Winter, S. (2017).Exploring the conceptualization and persistence of disordered eating in retired swimmers. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Annual Conference: Orlando, Florida, October, 2017(Oral presentation).
- Holder, T., & Winter, S. (2016). Methods of observation used by experienced sport psychology practitioners. AASP 2016 Annual Conference: Phoenix, Arizona, September, 2016 (oral presentation).
- Martin, E., Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2015). An exploration of trainee practitioners experiences when using observation. British Psychological Society DSEP Conference: Leeds, December, 2015 (oral presentation).
- McGregor, P., Fletcher., D., Randall, R., & Winter, S. (2015). The Emotional Rollercoaster of Professional Academy Soccer. British Psychological Society DSEP Conference: Leeds, December, 2015 (oral presentation).
- O’Malley, L., Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2015). Interpersonal relationships in sport: A model of triadic coach-athlete-coach role perceptions. British Psychological Society DSEP Conference: Leeds, December, 2015 (oral presentation).
- Mulvenna, M., & Winter, S. (2015). Organisational stressors, coping and effectiveness: Does gender influence the appraisal process in GAA players? The Northern Ireland Branch of the British Psychological Society 2015 Annual Conference: Armagh, May, 2015 (oral presentation).
- O’Malley, L., Winter, S., Holder, T., & Brug, P. (2015). Exploring triadic interpersonal relationships: A case study of a rugby union coach-athlete-coach triad. AASP Student Conference: Loughborough University, February 2015 (oral presentation).
- McGregor, P., Fletcher., D., Randall, R., & Winter, S. (2015). The emotional rollercoaster of professional academy soccer. AASP Student Conference: Loughborough University, February 2015 (oral presentation).
- McGregor, P., & Winter, S. (2015). 2013 Lucky for some: A reflective case study of sport psychology support at the women’s lacrosse world cup: Loughborough University, February 2015 (symposium).
- McGregor, P., Fletcher., D., Randall, R., & Winter, S. (2014). An autoethnography of elite soccer players’ psychosocial needs. AASP Annual Conference: Las Vegas, October 2014 (oral presentation).
- Bezodis, N., & Winter, S. (2014). Identifying the key technical aspects of rugby place kicking: A qualitative study of an elite coach. International Society of Biomechanics in Sport Conference: East Tennessee, July 2014 (poster presentation).
- O’Malley, L., & Winter, S., Holder, T., & Brug, P. (2014). Exploring interpersonal relationships in sport: The dynamics of communication within coach-athlete-coach relationships. International Association for Relationship Research Conference: Melbourne, July 2014 (rapid poster presentation).
- Martin, E., Richards, K., & Winter, S. (2014). Judging bias in gymnastics: Task complexity and manipulated feedback upon conformity effect. BASES Annual Student Conference: University of Portsmouth, April 2014 (poster presentation).
- McGregor, P., & Winter, S. (2012). A transactional approach examination of organisational stressors and coping strategies in elite level track and field coaches. British Psychological Society Annual Conference: London, April 2012 (oral presentation).
- O’Malley, L., & Winter, S. (2012). Boxing between coaches: A case study of an elite coach-athlete-coach triadic relationship. British Psychological Society Annual Conference: London, April 2012 (oral presentation).
- Winter, S., & Goose, M. (2010). The coach's impact on long-distance runners' training and competition motivation. British Psychological Society - Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference: London, December 2010 (poster presentation).
- Holder, T., & Winter, S. (2010). An exploratory investigation into the use of observation by experienced applied sport psychologists. AASP Annual Conference: Rhode Island, October 2010 (oral presentation).
- Richards, K., & Winter, S. (2010). An educational intervention for parents to modify competitive gymnast's perceptions of motivational climate. The growing child in high-performance sport International Congress: Birmingham, May 2010 (poster presentation).
- McGregor, P., & Winter, S. (2010). The effectiveness of an MG-A imagery intervention on changing debilitative interpretations of pre-competitive anxiety in university track athletes. BASES Annual Student Conference: Aberystwyth, April 2010 (poster presentation).
- Winter, S., Holder, T., Richards K., & Harper, T. (2009).The effect of meeting regularity on team cohesion between university and Sunday league football teams. BASES Annual Conference: Leeds, September 2009 (poster presentation).
- Winter, S., & Greenlees, I. A. (2005). Female gymnast predisposition to injury based on the personality trait of perfectionism. BASES Annual Conference Loughborough, September 2005 (poster presentation).
Book Chapters:
- Winter, S., & Holder, T. (2023). The supervisor-trainee relationship. In V. Shanmuganathan-Felton & S. Smith (eds.), Developing a sport psychology consultancy: A toolkit for students and trainees. Routledge.
- Winter, S., & Meijen, C. (2021). Psychology of distance running. In R. C. Blagrove & P. R. Hayes (Eds.), The science and practice of middle and long distance running (pp. 66-76). Routledge.
- Bezodis, N. E., Atack, A., & Winter, S. (2017). The biomechanics of place kicking in Rugby Union. In: Nunome, H.,Hennig, E., & Smith, N. (Eds.). Football Biomechanics. Routledge Research in Football (pp. 24-35). Routledge.
- Holder, T., Winter, S., & Orr, B. (2017). Observation: Seeing athletes on the field. In: Taylor, J, (Ed.). Assessment in Applied Sport Psychology. Human Kinetics.