The Law School at St Mary’s University, Twickenham will welcome leading legal speakers to its Algorithmic Antitrust conference on Friday 6th March 2020.
The one day conference, sponsored by Linklaters, is entitled Enforcing Competition Rules in the Age of Algorithms. It will bring together world experts from leading law firms and key organisations including the Competition Market Authority (CMA) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the legal academic community.
The conference will feature two key note speakers. The first, Dr. Cento Veljanovski is founder and Managing Partner of Case Associates and Fellow in Law and Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs and the second Stefan Hunt, is Chief Data and Technology Insights officer at the CMA.
Comprising four sessions, the conference will discuss and consider algorithmic antitrust across four key themes; Collusive Practises, Abuses of Dominance, Mergers, and Blockchain.
Senior Lecturer in Law at St Mary’s Aurelien Portuese said, “Algorithms are ubiquitous. The moment we Google something, shop online or Like a social media post, algorithms are triggered that use these actions and associated data to generate processes that ultimately affect our daily lives.
“The conference we’re hosting is aimed at examining competition rules in terms of algorithm-driven businesses, or algorithmic antitrust. We’re currently at a pivotal juncture in the algorithmic and antitrust discussion, with several reviews being published this year and we’ll be discussing its implications and impact on business processes.”
This free conference is proudly sponsored by Linklaters.
Linklaters is a leading global law firm with 30 offices in 20 countries and helps clients navigate constantly evolving markets and regulatory environments, pursuing opportunities and managing risk worldwide. Its market-leading competition practice advises on some of the most high-profile matters including significant mergers, complex investigatory work and litigation.
The conference will be hosted in the University’s Waldegrave Drawing Room from 8.30am to 6.30pm on Friday 6th March 2020 and is free to attend. To book your place and find out more please visit the St Mary’s Website.

This free conference is proudly sponsored by Linklaters.