Prof Canon Adelbert Denaux , a leading Belgian Theologian is giving a public lecture at St Mary’s University, Twickenham on the Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).
Prof Canon Adelbert Denaux, a priest of the Diocese of Bruges, Titular Canon of the Cathedral of Bruges and Honorary Canon of the Anglican Cathedral of Lincoln, will deliver the lecture entitled The Church Local, Regional and Universal: a Delicate Balance. The Recent Ecclesiological Statement of ARCIC III on 16th April.
The lecture will focus on the 2011 mandate the Anglican – Roman Catholic International Commission received to undertake a third phase of its work to study two interrelated areas, namely ‘The Church as Communion, local and universal’ and ‘How in Communion the local and universal Church come to discern right ethical teaching’.
The ARCIC addressed the first ecclesiological issue in its 2017 Erfurt Statement by using the method of ‘receptive ecumenism’ and came to the conclusion that Anglicans and Catholics can learn from eachother’s structures and procedures.
The event will take place in the University’s Waldegrave Drawing Room on Monday 16 April from 6-7.30pm. Places can be booked for free on the St Mary’s website.