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Supporting your staff (resources for managers)

As a people manager you have a responsibility to support staff, and safeguard their health, safety, and wellbeing. Below are some useful guides and resources for people managers.

St Mary's resources

If you are concerned about a member of staff please speak to an HR Partner for guidance. The following guidance and policies may also be helpful



Key HR policies

St Mary's Stress Policy and other Wellbeing related policies.


Sickness absence toolkit

Helpful toolkit packed with guidance and information on how to manage sickness absence.

brain-2062048_1920People manager's mental health toolkit

EAP-TalkEAP manager support service

Confidential advice line on people management matters.


Stress risk assessment

Identify sources of stress and actions to manage.

Best practice

The following guides for people managers offer helpful advice for supporting the wellbeing of your staff.


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England line managers' resource​


​ACAS guide on dealing with stress in the Workplace


​ACAS guide on managing bereavement in the workplace