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This page details guidance for staff and managers on sickness absence. Please refer to the University policy for a comprehensive detailing of the policy and process.If you are unsure of the sickness absence process after reading the policy and guidance on this page, please contact your HR Business Partner, who will be able to provide additional help and advice. 

Sickness Absence Policy

To manage sickness absence, you need to undertake a return to work interview in order to ensure the staff member is able to return to work. If unusual and/or set patterns of absence are identified they should be discussed informally with the member of staff.  It is important to monitor sickness absence for your staff and always bear in mind that an underlying condition, particularly one which is not diagnosed as yet may incur short-term sickness absence.  It is important to support staff members as much as possible whilst balancing with operational needs.

  • You are responsible for supporting a member of staff and effectively managing the sickness process.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that staff are aware of sickness notification and PeopleNet reporting requirements as well as any local sickness reporting arrangements.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that copies of Statements of Fitness for Work (as issued by the individual's GP) are sent to Human Resources without delay.
  • Ensuring clear lines of communication are established on how a member of staff should communicate their sickness absence and provide an update on their continued absence, particularly for long-term sick.  You will also ensure that you will liaise with Human Resources or Occupational Health, as appropriate to ensure a member of staff receives the right level of support.
  • You will advise staff of what support is available to them during their sickness absence, such as referral to Occupational Health or details on the University's confidential counselling service, Employee Assistance.
  • Conducting a return to work meeting with the member of staff after each period of sickness absence. A sickness absence - return to work meeting checklist will guide you through this and support you filling out the return to work form.
  • Putting the recommended reasonable workplace adjustments in place.

Occupational Health referrals

Our Occupational Health provider is OHWorks. They have vast experience of working for public and private sector organisations, including universities, NHS trusts and local authorities.

Should you need to refer a member of staff to Occupational Health, please liaise with your HR Business Partner/Advisor who will assist you with completing the referral form and submit the referral online on your behalf.  You will then be able to access the system, track the progress of your referral i.e. see when an appointment has been offered, and see the report when it is completed.  

If you are having problems managing short or long term sickness absence then please contact your HR Business Partner who will be able to help support you. 

Useful information for managers in supporting employees and managing sickness absence

  • Absent without leave guidance (these guidelines set out the process to follow in the event that an employee is absent from work without authorised leave).
  • Fit note guidance (guidance for line managers on what to expect from a fit note).
  • Managing through the menopause guidance (guidance on managing through the menopause, offering supportive advice, information for managers).
  • Reasonable adjustments (high level guidance for employees and managers, providing information, key considerations regarding adjustments in the workplace).
  • Return to work guidance (information on what to cover when an employee returns to work).
  • Time off for medical appointments guidance (guidance on how line managers can respond to requests for time off for medical appointments and elective procedures).
  • Trigger points explained (guidance on what trigger points are).
  • FAQs (frequently asked questions explaining the new sick absence procedure, reporting procedure, what managers and employees are responsible for).

Sources of support

  • HR Business Partners - contact your HR Partner for help and support with managing sick absence.
  • Employee Assistance Programme - open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Mental Health Toolkit - this toolkit includes a wellness action plan (WAP).
  • Wellbeing resources - a hive of resources on mental health, self-check in tools, fitness.