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Cultivating connection to place and people: farm-based education in the UK

Date: Tuesday 24th September 2024

Time: 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Today education increasingly happens alone, indoors and often in front of screens. But farm-based education offers a unique opportunity to reconnect people to the natural and human ecosystems that we all rely on.

Join Matt Williams (St Mary’s University) as he presents the first piece of academic research on farm-based education in the UK, along with his fellow researcher, Jack Crone (Climate NI).

There will also be expert input from Elaine Smith (Lancashire Farm Education Centre), Karen Kerr (Queen’s University, Belfast), and Jan Hassink (Wageningen University & Research, one of the world’s foremost agricultural learning institutions). The webinar will be hosted by Anna Lise Gordon (St Mary’s University), who will also lead the panel discussion.

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