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Congratulations on joining the Primary Education with QTS (Work-Based Route) BA (Hons) programme, and a very warm welcome to St Mary's.

Your induction timetable

First Year Students – Induction activities

About the session

The first induction session includes information about the programme and setting the expectations for the year – we encourage you to be active participants in your studies and with the programme, fostering a dynamic learning environment. In this session yo'll also get information about your timetable for the upcoming academic year, 

The second session includes information on your modules, the structure of the programme, lectures and seminars, placements, the mix of assessments, and course materials.

Second Year Students – Induction activity 1

About the session

We'll share information about the programme, your timetable for the upcoming academic year, the diverse range of modules, information about the mix of assessments, as well as information from the partnership team regarding final placements.

We'll then provide your third ITaP focusing on questioning. Having listened to feedback from your reps the questioning ITaP has been woven into induction day. The aims of the session will be:

  • To understand the theory behind questioning and how this is applied in practice
  • To understand questioning as a fundamental part of formative assessment
  • To explore different approaches to questioning.

University-wide induction

Your Welcome Week timetable

Try some of the welcome activities and socials on campus during 16-20 September. From fitness to freebies, they're great ways to settle into university life.

Join one of the SU's Student Life sessions in Welcome Week

They’ll explain what’s good in the local area, and the societies and clubs you can join. Basically how to make the most of student life!

Join one of the mandatory Student Essentials sessions in Welcome Week

These are a warm welcome and introduction to different faces you’ll see at the university, plus essential info about support services, health and safety, the code of conduct, and ID cards.

Complete the two mandatory Learning Modules online

They’re about SMU’s safe and supportive environment for our students, staff, and visitors. These values of Inclusiveness, Generosity of Spirit, Respect, and Excellence set the tone for how we all behave as a community.


Pre-induction tasks

First Year Tasks

PQW6013 – Meeting the Special Educational Needs of the Individual Child

In the first semester you'll have the opportunity to develop your understanding of the importance of meeting the additional needs of pupils with SEND and explore strategies to support effectively. Please read Chapter 6 of the SEND Code of practice – consider how does the SEND CoP emphasise the importance of the individual child? Make notes which will be used in your first lecture of the module.

PQW6015 – Primary Physical Education

We would like you to observe a primary PE lesson using the template provided (please download the Primary PE pre-course task) and bring this with you to your first lecture of the module.

PE pre-course task.docx

PQW6014 – Primary Language and Literacy

We would like you to write a bio-poem about yourself. A bio-poem is a simple poem that follows a particular pattern (Ness, 2018).

Please can you follow the structure below to write your bio-poem and bring it with you to your first lecture.

Biopoem structure:

  • Line 1 First Name
  • Line 2 Three or four adjectives that describe the person
  • Line 3 Important relationship (daughter of…mother of…etc)
  • Line 4 two or three things, people or ideas that the person loved
  • Line 5 Three feelings the person experienced
  • Line 6 Three fears the person experienced
  • Line 7 accomplishments (who composed…. Who discovered….etc)
  • Line 8 two or three things the person wanted to see happen or wanted t experience
  • Line 9 his or her residence
  • Line 10 last name

Example poem:

Fierce unyielding brave tall
Son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln, husband of Mary Lincoln
Lover of freedom, tall hats, and good speeches
Who felt patriotism for his country and who felt grief at a divided nation
Who feared what would become of a divided country, feared the south would win, feared the costs of war
Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation and who won the Civil War
Who wanted to see the nation whole again
Born in Kentucky,

Second Year Tasks

PQW6022 – Think about what you would like to research and start with some preliminary reading over the summer. Bring your completed ‘research person’ with you to the first session.

Here's an additional pre-induction programme for students in the following categories. If you feel you'd benefit from additional support, you're eligible to apply to Get Set for Success:

  • Students who've previously been eligible for free school meals
  • First generation students (the first in family to go to university)
  • Estranged students (students no longer in contact with their families)
  • Care experienced students (students who have spent some time in local authority care)
  • Students who are carers
  • Students from Gypsy, Roma, or Traveller (GRT) backgrounds
  • Students with academic qualifications other than A-levels (BTEC, diploma, etc)
  • Refugees and asylum seekers

Find out more about Get Set for Success or contact

About your programme

Module information

You’ll complete your course one block or ‘semester’ at a time. In each semester you’ll study modules. Some are core modules you have to take – others you’ll be able to choose between when you arrive, personalising the course to your interests.

In your first semester you will study the following modules:

  •  Core
  •  Core
  •  Core

Further information about the structure of your course can be found within the programme specification document.


Once you’re registered, you can loan textbooks and other resources from our library. We have plenty of copies of key texts, though some students choose to buy their own.

We’ll let you know more in our induction sessions. Plus how to use our online learning environment Moodle – where you can access, lecture recordings, copies of lecture slides, handouts, further reading, and interactive resources.