The Design Process
There is no such thing as reality in film, almost everything that appears on screen is placed there, and decisions are made about what to hide or reveal. This module explores the value of creative thinking and practice and considers the nature and importance of design in the genesis of a production.
You will, over the course of the module, produce a sketch/scrap book. This book should be a living document of your visual journey throughout this module. While it is a primarily visual piece, it can include short notes and annotations on any images, textures, diagrams etc. that you have collected, to illustrate why and how your own personal design style has been inspired and influenced.
As this document is intended to showcase development in many visual techniques, it is expected that it should contain work in a range of media (pencil drawing, painting, print making etc.).
In addition, you will be allocated a short film script and will be expected to produce an animated mood board/sizzle reel from it using archive/found material and original sketches that reflects your interpretation of the tone and design of the film.
Finally, you will produce a poster for your given film that accurately reflects the design language established through this reel.