Your induction timetable
How to be successful in Business Management
- Date: Tuesday 21st January
- Time: 12pm-4pm
- Location: Shannon 1 and 2 (View campus map)
About the session
Bring yourselves and your enthusiam
University-wide induction
Your Welcome Week timetable
Try some of the welcome activities and socials on campus during 20-24th January. From fitness to freebies, they're great ways to settle into university life.
Pre-induction tasks
Please be ready to tell us why you chose SMU and what you want to achieve from your course. What skills and talents do you already have that will help you with your degree?
Here's an additional pre-induction programme for students in the following categories. If you feel you'd benefit from additional support, you're eligible to apply to Get Set for Success:
- Students who've previously been eligible for free school meals
- First generation students (the first in family to go to university)
- Estranged students (students no longer in contact with their families)
- Care experienced students (students who have spent some time in local authority care)
- Students who are carers
- Students from Gypsy, Roma, or Traveller (GRT) backgrounds
- Students with academic qualifications other than A-levels (BTEC, diploma, etc)
- Refugees and asylum seekers
Find out more about Get Set for Success or contact