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While a student at the University we want you to have a safe and enjoyable time. 

Read our advice on personal safety and security. Please do not hesitate to contact Security or Student Services if you need further advice.

Top tips for keeping safe

We encourage you to have the Security Control Room's general contact number 020 8240 4335 and emergency number 020 8240 4060 stored in your phone contacts.

Make use of the Police non-emergency number - 101, this can be used to report any concerns you may have around your own personal safety, damaged property, theft of your belongings or suspicious activity in your area. 

Do not be afraid to ring 999 in an emergency situation and if this is done while on campus, you must let our Security team know.

  1. Always report any suspicious or alarming activity you encounter. Never assume someone else has, or will report it - You can make a report to the university in a number of ways. Please see our Report and Support page for more information 
  2. Complete the mandetory online e-induction modules that can be found on Moodle 
  3. When walking at night always keep to well-lit and populated routes. Don't be tempted to take short cuts through unlit or unknown areas.
  4. Don't walk home alone if you can possibly avoid it - either book a licensed taxi through a reputable taxi firm or walk with a friend or group of friends.
  5. If you are going to walk alone, tell a friend where you are going. Stick to routes you are familiar with.
  6. Consider places of safety in the area that you could go to if necessary, e.g. cafes, shops or 24‐hour garages which will invariably have CCTV, security staff and a well‐ lit, busy environment.
  7. Don't advertise your valuables, be discreet with your belongings. If threatened be prepared to give up bags or equipment. Property can be replaced. You cannot.
  8. Be aware of your surroundings. Using headphones or being engrossed in your smartphone can reduce your awareness of what is happening around you. If you want to use headphones just use one on a low volume so you can still hear.
  9. Wearing a hood can also impair your hearing or effect how well you can see your surroundings, don’t put one up unless you need to.
  10. In pubs, clubs and cafes always watch your drinks – Don’t accept drinks from strangers unless you have seen it being poured before being directly handed to you and if you suspect your drink has been spiked – don’t drink it.
  11. Always pre-book a taxi/mini cab in advance – there are many unlicensed opportunist taxi drivers around. Their vehicles are not insured to carry paying passengers and you may be charged extortionate rates.

 If you need any further help or advice please email

Campus security

St Mary’s University is based in Richmond upon Thames, which according to official Metropolitan Police figures (January - November 2020) is the safest London Borough.

Here at St Mary's we have on-campus security in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide students, staff and visitors with a safe and secure working and study environment.

The security office is located near the main reception (please see our campus map) and can be contacted directly on 020 8240 4335.

The security office patrols the campus, monitors CCTV, investigates crimes, responds to emergencies and can offer advice on how to prevent crime. If you see or hear anything suspicious happening on or off campus please contact the security office to report it.

Anti-drug policy

Any connection or suspected connection with the possession, use, buying or selling of drugs will result in the immediate termination of residence. The University will not condone any illegal practices and any matters concerning these are reported to the police.

Any students found to be in breach of the terms and conditions of the Accommodation Licence Agreement or of the University Regulations, or found to be involved in criminal activity will be subject to disciplinary action which may result in the termination of your accommodation contract, suspension or possible exclusion from studying at St Mary’s University.