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Lucy Timms

Senior Lecturer and Subject Lead - Undergraduate Business Management

Lucy Timms

About Research



After completing a degree in Economics at London Metropolitan University, Lucy started her working life as an Economist working for H.M Treasury and UBS Phillips & Drew among others advising on national debt, debt interest payments and the European economic outlook particularly in the light of the opening up of Eastern Europe after Glasnost and Perestroika. She then spent time working in economic development undertaking many projects for the Department of Employment, the EU and commercial enterprises.

She spent nearly ten years working in IT research linking up city clients with new knowledge and the latest trends in technology with the development of the internet and the birth of smart mobile devices.

Lucy decided to change career path and re-train as a teacher, completing a PGCE in Secondary and Further Education at Edge Hill University in 1991. She worked at the Heathland School in Hounslow and RHACC before joining St Mary's University in 2015 to teach on the Business Management Programme. She went back to industry in 2018 and spent 5 years working in IT Research and some freelance work including a 9 month placement at Microsoft.

She also holds an MSc in Sociology from the University of Salford , completing courses in IT, New Media, Qualitative Research Methods and a thesis which analysed female football fan ship and has a CMI Level III Coaching and Mentoring qualification.


Research profile

Research includes Business Models, Ageing, Marketing , AI, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Leadership. 

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