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Lesley Talbot

Technician - Drama
Course Lead for BA Creative Production

Lesley Talbot



Lesley Talbot is a theatre technician of the Drama Programmes as well as Course Lead for BA Creative Production. Lesley graduated from St Mary’s with a BA in Technical Theatre in 2020. Throughout her studies Lesley put the skills she was learning into practice by doing freelance work as a stage manager, lighting designer and technician.

Lesley gained her ABTT Bronze Award and went on to work a busy summer season at Butlins in Bognor Regis where she was Stage Manager of their brand new venue Studio 36, set up the backstage area of the venue before it opened to the public, and ensured that the venue and shows ran smoothly.

Lesley then pursued her interest in lighting, and went to work at Theatre Royal Windsor as their lighting technician. During her time there, she expanded her practical knowledge of lighting programming, design and maintenance, and worked on many shows that toured to the venue, as well as being the Associate Lighting Designer on A Touch of Danger and Private Lives, both directed by Tom Conti. She also worked with various film hires at the venue, most notably Netflix and Universal.

Lesley has also worked as a venue technician at Polka Theatre in Wimbledon, working on various children’s productions. On one particular production she had to provide emergency cover for the Deputy Stage Manager with only two hours notice of the show starting.

Lesley continues to work professionally in the theatre industry to ensure that her skill set is continually developed to keep up with the new technologies that are continuously introduced into the industry, in order to utilise and share these skills at St Marys in her teaching and on productions for Drama.

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