Email: karen.north@stmarys.ac.uk
Káren delights in being an original SIMMIE 😊 graduating in Theology and History in 1996 before qualifying as a teacher and completing an empirical M.Phil. in Pastoral Theology at Roehampton in 2002.
She has been working at St. Mary’s since 2006, initially as a Visiting Lecturer on the M.A. in Catechesis and Chaplaincy and from 2013 as part-time Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for the Foundation Degree in Youth Ministry.
In 2018 Káren took on leadership of ‘CCRS’ the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies. This modular course in theological literacy is approved by the Bishops’ Conference and is an important qualification for anyone looking to work in Catholic school or parish settings.
Káren is a core member of the Aquinas Centre, dividing her time at St. Mary’s with her work as a training and development officer for Youth Ministry in the Archdiocese of Southwark and (most importantly?) being a mum!
Research profile
Research, Externality & Consultancy
Káren completed her University of Surrey Ph.D. on Faith Transmission and Young Adults in 2017, presenting findings from her work at the global Synod on Youth in Rome the following year.
Active as a Ph.D. supervisor and examiner in Pastoral Theology, Karen continues to research and publish in this field and recently delivered a keynote for the Cor ad Cor Loquitur Papal Anniversary conference at St. Mary’s.
She is an external examiner for St. Angela’s Institute (University of Galway) has recently completed a consultancy exercise on Young Adult provision for the St. Vincent de Paul Society of England and Wales.
As well as being a member of the Catholic Theological Association, Káren is a member of the Pastoral Review editorial board and also serves on the Liturgical Formation Committee for the Archdiocese of Southwark.
- North, K. (2020) ‘Neither here nor there – in a good way? Mission and young people in a post-covid Church’ in Pastoral Review 16/4: 11-15. https://www.thepastoralreview.org/issues/current-issue/1833-neither-here-nor-there-in-a-good-way-mission-and-young-people-in-a-post-covid-church
- North, K. (2018) ‘Talking About This Generation’ in Pastoral Review 14/1: 10-15.
- North, K. (2018) Catholic Young Adults: How to Disrupt the ‘Limbo of Non-Belonging’ Aquinas Centre Report https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/research/centres/aquinas/docs/2018-apr-limbo-of-non-belonging.pdf
- North, K. (2016) Lent Extra: Seven Scripture Reflections. Chawton: Redemptorist Publications.North, K. (ed.) (2014) Life in Christ (Triple DVD). Chawton: Redemptorist https://www.rpbooks.co.uk/dvdlife-in-christ-1
- North, K. & Glackin, M. (2010-14) ‘Formation & Resources: 24 part Series’ in Pastoral Review Vols. 6-10.
- North, K. (2010) ‘Young Adult Ministry’ in The Tablet, January 9th, 2010.North, K. Barber, R., O’Connell, D., Toryusen, J. (2008) Revealed: A Catholic Youth Formation Ministry Resource. Chawton: Redemptorist.