Email: anne.majumdar@stmarys.ac.uk
Anne is the Course Lead for MSc Chronic Disease Management and teaches across three programmes. She is the Research Director of the Centre for Applied Social and Health Research. As an HCPC registered dietitian Anne has a strong interest in teaching and research related to best practice in a clinical setting.
Research profile
Anne is currently Director of Studies for PhD students within the field of public health and has had PhD students who have completed their awards in the areas of Nutrition for Cancer Recovery and in Exercise Referral to Improve Physical Inactivity.
Anne’s research interests are BAME Health, addressing health inequalities, improving prevention and management of chronic disease, integrative health, nutrition, and dietetics.
Selected Recent Publications
Laban-Sharman A, Majumdar A (In Press) Self-Care practices for anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK in adults. Mental Health: Global Challenges
Wade M, Brown N, Gissane C, Mann S, Majumdar A ( 2021) The impact of signposting and group support pathways on a community-based physical activity intervention grounded inmotivational interviewing. Journal of Public Health fdab198, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdab198
Hughes J, Brough N, Sharma R, Majumdar A, Fisher P (2020) “The care that you give to yourself” A qualitative study exploring patients perceptions of self-care European Journal of Integrative Medicine 40 : 101246
Aliron-Roig, E, Majumdar A, Vaughan D, Jebb S (2019) Exploring the Experiences of People with Obesity Using Portion Control Tools—A Qualitative Study.
Wade M, Brown N, Dancy B, Mann S, Gissane C, Majumdar A (2018) Identification of dropout predictors to a community-based physical activity programme that uses motivational interviewing. Journal of Public Health PH-18-0444| pp. 1–9 | doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdy206
Majumdar A Sarbah-Yalley SEA (2019) Majumdar A Sarbah-Yalley SEA (2019) Facilitators and barriers to making healthy lifestyle choices: a qualitative exploration in a UK-based Ghanaian population. The Lancet; Public Health Science 394 Special Issue S71
Wade M; Brown N, Winter S, Dancy B, Majumdar A Effects of disability or medical condition on physical activity and mental wellbeing: a community-based motivational interviewing physical activity intervention The Lancet; Public Health Science 394 Special Issue S71
Wade M, Brown N, Majumdar A (2018) Effectiveness of a community based physical activity intervention grounded in motivational interviewing. The Lancet Volume 392, Supplement 2, November 2018, Page S90
Ginn A, Eastwood G, Menger B, Majumdar A (2016) Food security Focus: The development and validation of culturally appropriate Healthy Food Baskets in an inner-London borough. Health Education Journal DOI: 10.1177/0017896916632789
Keeterut K, Zacharaloupou S, Bloom S, Patel P and Majumdar A (2017) The use of a patient-administered Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (“MUST”) compared to Health Care Professional screening in an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) outpatient clinic: A Pilot Study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics https://doi.org/10.1111/jhn.12481