Uni Connect – London
The Widening Participation and Outreach team are delighted to work with all three of the London NCOP Uni Connect partnerships.
We support AimHigher London’s Uni Connect events (including hosting the 3-day Spring School on campus), and various subject specific events. We also contribute to Aimhigher’s Learner Progression Programme, delivered to a network of schools in south London. Sustained activities include the year-long Debate Higher oracy project, which builds confidence and communication skills. We also support Aimhigher’s activities with key groups, such as Looked After Children.
We have a long-standing partnership with AccessHE, an organisation that supports universities conducting widening participation work mainly in London. We are represented at AccessHE’s Forums, and work with the team to support their Uni Connect work. St Mary’s University has also contributed a free online Law course for the AccessHE Online digital platform.
Linking London connects Higher Education and Further Education institutions, in order to support the progression of learners in FE. As a partner with Linking London’s Uni Connect project, we have developed Post-16 programmes and resources for the west London target wards, and for colleges around London.