Based on the popular EPrints software, The Open Research Archive is the University’s institutional repository for all research outputs of researchers working at St Mary’s. The Archive also serves as a repository for other St Mary's academic outputs, including PhD theses and Masters dissertations with Distinction.
Publications and documents that should be added to the Open Research Archive include:
- Journal articles
- Conference proceedings
- Book chapters
- Monographs
- PhD and other higher research theses
- Masters dissertations with Distinction grades
The Open Research Archive is designed to provide full-text access to research outputs on open access wherever permitted by publishers. The Archive also collates a record of all scholarly outputs from within the University where full-text access is not permitted.
Open Access Policies
The Open Research Archive plays an important role in the externally mandated open access process for research publications. For more detailed information on the University’s Research Publications and Open Access Policy and REF2021 open access mandate for REF eligibility, please see here.
All research outputs are required to be deposited by St Mary's University researchers in the Open Research Archive immediately on acceptance of publication to ensure compliance with REF2021 open access policy and to enhance the visibility and accessibility to the research outputs created within the University.
- Go to the Open Research Archive, select 'Deposit now', login in and follow the on-screen prompts. All submissions are checked before being published online.
Ongoing Development
Altmetrics Statistics
We are continually enhancing the functionality of the Open Research Archive. We have embedded Altmetrics statistics, where available, to all of the records. This provides some visualisation of the social dynamics of the deposits’ usage across social and other digital media. A good example of what this allows us to capture can be seen on a paper by Oliver Runswick (SHAS), with a concise breakdown of some impact data, which is further expanded within Altmetrics itself:

We have also integrated ORCID functionality, allowing us to harvest the data on your scholarly outputs from ORCID records in cases where you have provided your ORCID iD to the publisher. This allows us to minimise the volume of data input by utilising a centralised pool of publications data.
IRUS-UK (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics-United Kingdom) provides COUNTER-conformant usage statistics for all content downloaded from participating UK institutional repositories (IRs). IRUS-UK systematically scrutinises the open data from institutional repositories and removes data created by machine harvesting. This helps to give an accurate download figure of items from our repository.
We also have the contents of the repository harvested and indexed by the UK's CORE shared discovery service. This process helps to expose the contents of the Open Research Archive more completely and accurately to interested audiences around the world.
Questions or queries?
If you have any questions about the Open Research Archive, such as open access publishing, article processing charges (APCs), data repositories, Publishers' embargoes, open licences and ORCID iDs, please email
PhD theses
St Mary's research students completing their doctorates are requested to deposit the full-text of their thesis in the St Mary's Open Research Archive. This will enable the thesis to be made discoverable and accessible online to researchers around the globe. For more information and instructions on this process please contact