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St Mary's Researcher Development Workshops

Researcher Development Programme 2024/25

Welcome to the Researcher Development Programme 2024/25.

Below you will find our latest offerings of trainings/workshops for postgraduate research students and staff. Research Services are using Gecko to keep a record of trainings and attendees so please use the Gecko form to sign up for trainings and workshops. For further information about the course itself, please reach out directly to the facilitator listed.

Zoom links and room numbers will be provided in due course after you have signed up. Please ensure you have signed up so we can reach out to you with these details. We hope to record some sessions in the event you are not able to attend.

We are excited about the upcoming academic term and look forward to working with you. If there are course offerings you do not see, but wish to see, please contact

We are also subscribed to University of East Anglia (UEA) Online Training Series' which offers research and professional skills training for Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs). You can find information and book the trainings on the UEA website.


Date and time: Tuesdays,1st October 2024 - 10th December 2024  
Venue: on campus 
Time:  2-4pm (SHE7007) and 4-6pm (SHE7008) 

Host: Elisabetta Canetta and Mark Glaister

For postgraduate research students.


SHE7007 (Skills for Researchers):

This module will provide training in research skills for postgraduate students regardless of their subject specialty. It is designed to equip students with a critical appreciation of the research principles and research skills required for well-structured research and the successful completion of a research project. The module will equip students with a deep understanding of the complexities of research design, research management, dissemination, and the extent to which these issues influence the meaning and value of evidence. The module will aim to increase students’ research skills and understanding of the various aspects of the research process and, ultimately, their independence as a researcher.

SHE7008 (Advanced Research Methods):

The module will focus on the statistical methods (quantitative and qualitative) that are widely used for the analysis and interpretation of data in all fields of research. The students will gain advanced knowledge with regards to the selection and justification of appropriate tests/methods and illustrations for describing/analysing different data. They will also learn about the complexities associated with robust experimental design in terms of statistical power, randomisation strategies and analysis techniques. The module will teach the students the effective use of statistical software package SPSS to analyse, present and, interpret data.

Date and time: Wednesday 9th October 2024, 11am
Venue: hybrid
Host: Research Services and guests


The session will include:

  • welcome note
  • PhD the Supervisory Teams introduction and presentations
  • Postgraduate research student rep introductions
  • PhD postgraduate research leads introduction and presentation
  • doctoral programme overview
  • Student Services information
  • Careers Services information
  • Q&A session, netowrking and, refreshments.

Date and time: Thursday 3rd October 2024, 12-2pm
Venue: on campus
Host: Colleen McKenna

Workshop objectives

The broad aims of the programme are to:

  • enable you to enhance your skills and understanding of teaching and learning in higher education
  • combine personal experience and values with educational theory and practice
  • promote a student-focused approach to pedagogy
  • support the design of diverse and inclusive approaches to learning within the classroom
  • encourage reflection and evaluation.

Date and time: Wednesday 16th October 2024, 2pm  
Venue: hybrid
Host: Matt James

For postgraduate research students and academic staff.


Research Integrity refers to the standards and conduct expected of members of the University engaged in research. At St Mary’s we are committed to protecting the health, safety, rights, and academic freedom of researchers and the reputation of the University as a centre for properly conducted, high quality research. We recommend all postgraduate research students and researchers to attend this session.

The University is committed to ensuring that we act at all times in accordance with the principles outlined in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity launched in July 2012 by Universities UK. The Concordat outlines what is expected of researchers and their employers to ensure the highest standards of research.

Workshop objectives

As a result of attending the workshop participants will:

  • be familiar with the principles of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity
  • understand what good practice in research is
  • know what to do if things go wrong
  • understand the process for ethical approval at St Mary's.

Additional resources

Date and time: Wednesday 6th November 2023, 4-6pm
Venue: online
Host: Christine Edwards-Leis

For postgraduate research supervisors.


This workshop is for all supervisors, regardless of experience. We will look at the programme expectations at St Mary’s as well as the support available from UKCGE and literature. Experienced supervisors will share useful strategies and scenarios will be provided for discussion.   

Date and time: Friday 8th November 2024, 2pm
Venue: online
Host: Michelle Paull

For postgraduate research students.


In this session, we will cover what a literature review is as part of a PhD thesis, how it differs from regular literature reviews that you might have written as part of your BA or MA studies, why the literature review is so essential, and how you achieve the right balance between presenting and critically discussing current scholarship in your area. 

Date and time: Friday 8th November 2024, 11am-12pm
Venue: online
Host: A Stenfeldt-Jurgensen

For postgraduate research students and staff.


The session will include:

  • introductions
  • how do we access Research Development Programme
  • funding opportunities database
  • miscellaneous functionalities – news and conferences
  • our institution
  • help section and Q&A.

Date and time: Tuesday 12th, 19th and 26th November, 10am-12pm
Venue: online
Host: Colleen McKenna

For postgraduate research students.

Workshop objectives

The broad aims of the programme are to:

  • enable you to enhance your skills and understanding of teaching and learning in higher education
  • combine personal experience and values with educational theory and practice
  • promote a student-focused approach to pedagogy
  • support the design of diverse and inclusive approaches to learning within the classroom
  • encourage reflection and evaluation.

Date and time: Wednesday 20th November 2024, 9:30am - 4:30pm
Venue: on campus
Host: QDAS Services 

Analysing Interview and Focus Group data using NVivo

A comprehensive overview of NVivo, providing familiarisation and orientation to the interface and introducing its core components. The course discusses common approaches to analysing interview and focus-group transcripts, open-up thinking about how to appropriately choose between them and provide a framework for planning and documenting your analysis.

Reviewing literature and analysing documents with NVivo

NVivo can be harnessed to organise a range of types of materials and our ideas about them. This includes electronic copies of journal articles, and documents such as reports, public records and policy statements, amongst other materials. Framed by reviewing and documentary analysis methodologies, this course provides an introduction to NVivo’s powerful tools that facilitate in-depth analysis of individual items, as well as cross-item comparison; all with a view to enabling structured, efficient writing of findings.

Date and time: Friday 22nd November 2024, 10-11am
Venue: online
Host: Kyriaki Myrissa

For supervisors.


Date and time: Friday 22nd November 2024, 11am-12pm
Venue: online
Host: Kyriaki Myrissa

For postgraduate research students.Workshop Objectives

In these sessions we will be covering the following:

  • the purpose of Confirmation/Transfer Review                 
  • the possible outcomes                
  • the processes                                        
  • the forms
  • deadlines.    

Date and time: Friday 28th November 2024, 10am-12pm
Venue: on campus
Host: Helen Duncan and Matthew James 

For postgraduate research students (10-10.45am) and supervisors (11.15am-12pm). 

Date and Time: Friday 17th January 2025, 10-11am
Venue: hybrid
Host: Kyriaki Myrissa  

For postgraduate research supervisors.


The session will include:

  • what is expected: regulations
  • what is available to support you
  • sharing experience
  • expectations
  • case studies– discussion and feedback
  • community of practice forum.


Date and time: Friday 7th February 2025. TBC
Venue: on campus 
Host: Scriptoria 

For academic staff.

To confirm attendance please reach out to the Research Office at 


Scriptoria's course in Grant Writing is aimed at early- to mid-career researchers who are looking to build their track record and fund their independent research by winning their first fellowships and research grants or the next “level” of funding. No previous funding experience is required.Over the course of a full-day, face-to-face session, we cover how to turn ideas into a written proposal that is interesting and easy for reviewers to understand. Throughout, we provide real-life examples for participants to critique to complement the theory. The course also covers a host of practical points from budgeting to brainstorming tools to the professional writing cycle, including how to efficiently edit and proofread your own work to a high standard. 


Date and Time: Wednesday 12th February 2025, 11am
Venue: hybrid
Host: Head of Research Services and guests

For postgraduate research students.


The session will include:

  • welcome note
  • PhD the Supervisory Teams introduction and presentations
  • postgraduate research student rep introduction
  • PhD PGR Leads introduction and presentation
  • doctoral Programme overview
  • Student Services information
  • Careers Services information
  • Q&A session, netowrking and, refreshments.

Date and Time: Tuesday 4th, 11th and 18th March, 1-3pm
Venue: on campus
Host: Colleen McKenna

For postgraduate research students.

Workshop objectives

The broad aims of the programme are to:

  • enable you to enhance your skills and understanding of teaching and learning in higher education
  • combine personal experience and values with educational theory and practice
  • promote a student-focused approach to pedagogy
  • support the design of diverse and inclusive approaches to learning within the classroom
  • encourage reflection and evaluation.


Date and time: Wednesday 19th March 2025, 1pm
Venue: hybrid 
Host: Ross Wadey

For postgraduate research students.


This session will enable students to:

  • Gain an understanding of a variety of qualitative representational forms (e.g., comics, videos, infographics, poems) to engage and impact their intended audiences (e.g., NHS, UK Sport, Military).
  • Learn through various examples of representational forms.
  • Students will be encouraged to try a novel form of representation.

Date and time: to be confirmed
Venue: to be confirmed
Host: to be confirmed 

For completing postgraduate research students.


Over four weeks you will be introduced to four writing strategies to move a thesis forward towards completion or first full draft. Each meeting includes one hour of dedicated writing time, you write a piece each week, and will be given group and individual feedback. Time is included for discussing your writing with others on this course, which people on previous courses found useful and motivating.

Date and time: Wednesday 9th April 2025, 4-6pm
Venue: online
Host: Matt James

For postgraduate research students and academic staff.


Research Integrity refers to the standards and conduct expected of members of the University engaged in research. At St Mary’s we are committed to protecting the health, safety, rights, and academic freedom of researchers and the reputation of the University as a centre for properly conducted, high quality research. We recommend all postgraduate research students and researchers to attend this session.

The University is committed to ensuring that we act at all times in accordance with the principles outlined in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity launched in July 2012 by Universities UK. The Concordat outlines what is expected of researchers and their employers to ensure the highest standards of research.

Workshop objectives

As a result of attending the workshop participants will:

  • be familiar with the principles of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity
  • understand what good practice in research is
  • know what to do if things go wrong
  • understand the process for ethical approval at St Mary's.

Additional resources

Date and time: Tuesday 15th April, 4-6pm
Venue: online
Host: Christine Edwards-Leis

For postgraduate research student.


This workshop is for postgraduate research students regardless of discipline.  We will explore what it means to be ‘critical’ with a particular focus on the expectations of Level 8 discourse. You will engage with others in discussion around sample paragraphs and explore ways of critiquing your own writing.  

Date and time: Friday 25th April 2025, 2pm
Venue: hybrid
Host: Jacob Johanssen

For postgraduate research students.


Publishing your work and sharing your findings is a key component of a successful research career. With over 30,000 journals to choose from and various publishing models to consider, researchers will need to be aware of which option will work best for them.

Date and time: Wednesday 7th May 2025, 10-11am
Venue: online
Host: Christine Edwards-Leis

For supervisors.

Date and time: Wednesday 7th May 2025, 11am-12pm
Venue: online
Host: Christine Edwards-Leis

For postgraduate research students.


These sessions cover the purpose and protocols for the postgraduate research students’ AMRs. Sessions are particularly useful for all new students and supervisors. We cover the expectations of St Mary’s in terms of the documentation for the AMR, the possible outcomes, and the University’s review process.   

Date and Time: Friday 6th June 2025, 10-11am
Venue: hybrid
Host: Mark Glaister 

For postgraduate research students and academic staff.


Dr Mark Glaister from the School of Sport, Health and Applied Science will deliver a session on presentation skills for postgraduate researchers. The session will focus on dos and don'ts of oral and poster presentations, providing examples of each, and strategies for improving presentation skills. 

Date and Time: Friday 54th July 2025, 4-5pm
Venue: online
Host: Gherardo Girardi

For postgraduate research students and supervisors.

Outline and Workshop Objectives

The last hurdle in your PhD journey - your viva examination!

What will it be like? What will the examiners ask? How can you prepare for it?

This workshop aims to provide you with an insight into the process, and helps you understand what to expect within a doctoral degree viva. We will explore the viva's purpose and issues relating to the conduct of the viva (typical processes and procedures, who is there and what they do, and so on). We will discuss the type and nature of questions which are most likely to be posed by examiners during viva examinations.