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Open Access Agreements

Article Processing Charges and Transitional Agreeements 

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Article Processing Charges (APCs) are the primary funding model for Open Access (OA) publishing. In this model, the author (or their representative) pays the publisher a fee to make their article available OA. APCs vary in amount due to several factors. Hybrid journals often have higher APCs compared to pure OA journals, and some pure OA journals do not charge an APC at all, instead being funded by individual institutions or through membership models.

Transitional Agreements 

Due to various institutional subscription deals with academic publishers, St Mary’s researchers have access to several transitional agreements for publishing gold OA. This ensures that the final journal article is immediately and freely available to read and download on the publisher's website. These agreements enable St Mary’s affiliated authors to publish OA at no cost or at a reduced cost (see individual deals for details). Since these agreements can change on short notice, please check this page regularly for updates.

Transformative deal eligbility requirements 

    This includes:
  • corresponding authors must be affiliated with St Mary's University
  • authors must submit using their St Mary's University email address
  • use of ORCID is highly encouraged.

Research Office 

Please contact the Research Office ( or Nelly Canji ( before submitting your work to express interest in using St Mary’s transitional agreements.

This will allow us to advise you on the eligibility criteria for publishers and journals and to consider any special circumstances that may warrant gold OA publishing, should there be any associated charges.

Please do also get in touch if you have any questions or would like to raise publishers not on this list for future agreements. 

From 1st January 2024 until 31st December 2025, and subject to an annual cap, a full APC waiver applies in the following journals or platforms:

  • Taylor & Francis open select (hybrid) titles
  • Taylor & Francis fully open access titles
  • F1000 Research
  • Routledge Open Research.

To verify a journal's eligibility, use the Taylor & Francis Open Access Cost Finder. Enter the journal title into the search bar, then review the 'OA status' listed with the journal. If the status is 'open select,' the journal is eligible.

The article type that is covered under this agreement is research articles only.

The deal is first-come-first-served and there is a cap on the articles that can be published on this deal each calendar year. 

Please follow this guide to the deal with Taylor & Francis for more information. 

This agreement applies to subscription-based journals offering SAGE Choice Open Access, as well as subscription-based journals in the IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection. Find a list of participating journals

Corresponding authors submitting to a gold OA journal will receive a 20% discount on the APC.

Please note that not all gold OA journals participate in the agreement. This document contains a list of eligible gold OA journals.

There is no cap on publishing and the deal currently runs until 31st December 2024.

Affiliated corresponding authors can publish OA at no extra cost in hybrid journals included in the Premier 2023 Package. 

Corresponding authors submitting to a gold OA journal will recieve a 20% discount on the APC. Please note that not all gold OA journals participate in the agreement. This document contains a list of eligible journals.

Articles must have an original acceptance date between 1st January 2022 and 31st December 2024.

For more information on participating journals in this agreement, you can search by title or by subject area

In this agreement, Wiley covers full cost of APCs. The article type that is covered under this agreement is research and review articles.

This deal applies to subscription journals offering OnlineOpen and Wiley fully gold OA journals, as well as 240 Hindawi fully open access journals.

Once your article is accepted, the corresponding author is able to select the option for gold OA on the Author Services Dashboard - choosing St Mary's University as your institution automatically applies the deal.

Articles must have an acceptance date that falls within the period of the current agreement (1st January 2024-31st December 2024).

Journals covered by this agreement include:

Please check out the publishing list and other article charges for more information. 

Wiley guidance for authors:

Authors can publish gold OA at no extra cost in gold and hybrid journals. For more details on journals, please check out the journals covered by CUP Read & Publish agreement

The article's acceptance date must fall between 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2024.

The agreement is uncapped, there is no limit to the number of authors per year who may request funding.

The CUP website provides additional information and detailed instructions.Be sure to check it out if you need further guidance.