PhD students
We offer PhD supervision in areas compatible with the research interests of our academic staff. We welcome research proposals in the following research areas:
- human trafficking and modern slavery
- abuse and exploitation
- domestic abuse, stalking, sexual violence
- race and ciminal justice
- prisons and detention
- migration and human rights
- youth crime and prevention
- security and risk.
PhD Completions
- Exploring the Efficacy of the Legal Framework and Interventions in Tackling Sexual and Gender Based Violence against Females in Internally Displaced Persons’ Camps in the Northeast Nigeria (Completed September 2023 with minor corrections).
- Protecting children in the Philippines who are sexually exploited: evidence of frontline responses from the NGO context (Completed with minor corrections March 2022).
- Social media-based research of public opinion and press coverage on irregular migrants in the United Kingdom, 2015-2018 (Completed with minor corrections December 2021).
Current supervisions
- #AntiSlaveryDay and #WorldDayAgainstTrafficking: A comparative analysis of the framing and social construction of modern slavery and human trafficking on Instagram.