The aim of this research strand is to establish a research core in, nutrient/gene interactions through continuous training and research activities. Research is being led by Dr Yiannis Mavrommatis.
The Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics research cluster has many achievements to date:
- Development of a gene expression station within the School of Sport, Health and Applied Science that includes the following:
- DNA extraction and purification from saliva samples
- DNA quantification and quality control (NanoDrop)
- Setting up a conventional Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction to amplify genes of interest
- Separation of amplified genes using agarose gel electrophoresis
- Visualisation of the gene product under UV light and relative quantification using dedicated software
- Setting-up a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction station, allowing absolute quantification of gene expression and identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms
- Two successful PhD proposals in the area of nutrient/gene interactions (Leta Pilic and Catherine Graham).
- Initial research collaboration links with Prof Pedro González Muniesa, University of Navarra, Spain in the field of personalised nutrition.
Selected publications
- Tsikritzi R, Wang J, Collins VJ, Allen VJ, Mavrommatis Y, Moynihan PJ, Gosney MA, Kennedy OB, Methven L (2015). The Effect of Nutrient Fortification of Sauces on Product Stability, Sensory Properties and Subsequent Liking by Older Adults. Food Science 80 (5): S1100-S1110.
- Mavrommatis Y, Moynihan P, Gosney M & Methven L (2011). Hospital catering systems and their impact on the sensorial profile of foods provided to older patients in the UK. Appetite, 57(1):14-20.
- Mavrommatis Y, Ross K, Rucklidge G, Reid M, Duncan G, Gordon MJ, Thies F, Sneddon A & de Roos B (2009). Intervention with fish oil, but not with docosahexaenoic acid, results in lower levels of hepatic soluble epoxide hydrolase with time in apoE-knockout mice. British Journal of Nutrition, 103(1):16-24.
- De Roos B, Mavrommatis, Y & Brouwer IA (2009). Omega-3 fatty acids - novel insights into cellular mechanisms. British Journal of Pharmacology, 158(2):413-28.
- Duthie SJ, Mavrommatis Y, Rucklidge G, Reid M, Duncan G, Moyer MP, Bestwick CS, Pirie LP (2008). The response of human colonocytes to folate deficiency in vitro: functional and proteomic analyses. Journal of Proteome Research, 7(8): 3254–3266.
- Mavrommatis Y, Thies F, Ross K, Gordon MJ, McLeod E, Sneddon A, Rucklidge G, Reid M, Duncan G, Mayer C, Horgan G, Arthur J & de Roos B (2007). The effects of fish oil and DHA on soluble epoxide hydrolase in apoE (-/-) mice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 66: 579-584.