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Achieving stability, particularly during adolescence, is challenging.

When a young person enters care for the first time or has a change in foster care placement, they may experience several different transitions - a new family, often in a different neighbourhood, changing schools, losing contact with old friends, separated from one or more siblings and with limited or no contact with biological parents.

However, research shows that stability in school and in foster care placement is associated with better outcomes at GSCE and beyond.

How we work with young people

  • Young people new to care spend up to six weeks in the Transition Hub before starting at their new school.
  • Assessment of their academic attainment and progress informs a tailored English and Maths programme to help to secure their learning and/or allow them to begin to close any gaps with their peers. This is combined with preteaching of units they will study when they start school.  
  • Assessment of their wellbeing informs a tailored social and emotional curriculum.
  • Tailored support and a gradual increase in visits and participation in selected activities in their new school during the six weeks.
  • Continued support from their Outreach Learning Mentor for another four months once they start their new school.
  • Participation in after school and holiday activities offered by the Hub and more widely in the community.

If a young person goes into care - but stays in the same school - they do not attend the Transition Hub, but receive an ‘outreach’ programme based on the same principles as above. 

Outcomes of the programme for young people

At the end of the programme young people will:

  • Be settled in their new school and feel a sense of belonging to the school community
  • Be making progress academically and socially.