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Student Feedback Procedure

Our staff are committed to providing excellent customer service to all our users. Library Services welcomes feedback and suggestions, and provides a ‘graffiti wall’ and ‘Happy or Not’ comments box on the main Information Desk on the ground floor in both library buildings. Enquiries and suggestions can also be emailed to All comments and/or suggestions where a regnum or email address has been left will receive an acknowledgement within three working days and if necessary, will be forwarded to the appropriate team in the Library.

Surveys, online polls, and consultations are conducted regularly and the results are published on social media and within the libraries. Students are also invited to take part in focus groups to discuss issues related to library services.  The Library teams liaise closely with academic staff on a formal and informal basis to ensure facilities and services remain relevant and up to date.

Library customers can also approach any member of Library Services staff with any suggestions as to ways to improve our services.

The department welcomes feedback from its users and treats all comments seriously, as they are an important way of monitoring and improving the service we provide.

Complaints Procedure

If you feel we have not done something right, we need to know immediately so we can try to fix this. If you do make a complaint, we aim to acknowledge your correspondence within 1 working day, and respond fully within 5 working days. We will always deal with your complaint in confidence where it is appropriate.

  • Stage 1: Library users should in the first instance raise the problem with staff at the Welcome Desks, who may refer the issue to a senior member of staff on duty.
  • Stage 2: If the issue is not resolved verbally, a written complaint can be sent to or to the Library and Student Hub Manager.
  • Stage 3: If the issue cannot be resolved by the Library and Student Hub Manager, or if it is of a serious nature, the written complaint should be sent to the Head of Library and Digital Support.

If you feel your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, you should follow the Student Complaints Procedure.