School of Education
Partnership Agreement 2022 - 2023
Primary PGCE Core
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Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework (ITTCCF)
All PCMs need to be aware of the ITTCCF
In 2019 the DfE produced two significant frameworks. These frameworks aim to have a substantial impact on the support provided for the early professional development of all teachers from training to their first two years in post.
1. Initial Teacher Training Core Content Framework (ITTCCF)
This defines the minimum entitlement of all trainees and sets out the content that ITT providers and their partners must draw upon when designing and delivering programmes.
2. Early Career Framework (ECF)
This defines the minimum content that teachers in their first two years are entitled to learn about and learn how to do with funded, high quality, professional development support.
Both frameworks establish an entitlement to a 3-year or more structured package of support for all new teachers at the start of their careers. The ambition is that with this support, teachers stay for longer and thrive in the profession. This should be viewed alongside the Government’s Recruitment and Retention Strategy (2016, updated 2019).
The frameworks have been devised using current research evidence reviewed and endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) alongside guidance from an Expert Advisory group and other sector representatives. The frameworks will be kept under review as the evidence base develops over time and adaptations made accordingly.
For more information on both of these frameworks please visit the Partnership Portal (see contact details, page 3)
St Mary’s Primary Partnerships
Partnership Office
For placement enquiries please email
Access to documentation on the Partnership Portal
Copies of all St Mary’s University Partnership documents are available on the Portal:
Index of appendices
Appendix 1: Roles and commitments
NB Professional Coordinating Mentor (PCM) refers to the Training Coordinator
1. Introduction
This document sets out the agreed commitment between our partnership schools (Partner Schools) and St Mary’s University to undertake the following programmes:
Please note: there are separate partnership agreements for School Direct Salaried (SDS) and School Direct Tuition Fee (SD TF) as these places are provided by Lead schools and they are responsible for the placements of the trainees they recruit.
Partnership in initial teacher education implies collective responsibility for all aspects of the training; all partners are committed to the planning and delivery of high-quality training and in the selection and final assessment of trainees. The partnership works to provide the best possible professional outcome for trainee teachers to ensure they reach their full potential. Central to this is the shared understanding of taught courses, mentoring and coaching.
Purpose of the Agreement
The agreement has been designed to ensure that the Partnership fulfils the Department for Education (DfE) ITT Criteria. Accreditation of the programme lies with St Mary’s University with all other matters being shared. It is to ensure that All Quality Assurance (QA) requirements of St Mary’s University are fully met in line with the St Mary’s University Programme Specifications.
2. Statement of Values
Four core values define St Mary’s and underpin all we do as a University. They are:
We celebrate differences, recognising that everyone is born with a unique identity. St Mary’s is a place where students and staff can reach their full potential and make a positive contribution to society.
Our generosity of spirit sets us apart. It can be seen in the encouragement, collegiality, empathy, helpfulness and service to be found across the University.
We respect everybody. We treat everyone as we ourselves would want to be treated.
We strive to be the best at everything we do. We seek professionalism through setting high standards and continuous improvement in all our practices and work.
The Partnership believes that the purpose of teacher education is to equip teachers with the relevant knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and behaviours so that, through their teaching, they meet the academic, cognitive, physical, emotional, spiritual, moral, social and aesthetic needs of the pupils and trainees in schools.
The Partnership wishes to develop critically reflective practitioners who are committed to their own continual professional learning. In order to develop as effective teachers, it is essential that trainees have opportunities both to practice their classroom skills and to reflect on and develop their practice with the support of high-quality training, coaching and mentoring.
The Partnership is fully committed to training high quality teachers capable of rapid professional advancement through to leadership roles.
The Partnership will actively promote fundamental British values through its work with trainee teachers. These values are embedded in democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and none.
3. Equal Opportunities
The Partnership is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of race, culture, religion, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
4. Funding
For each primary school placement the school will be paid £300
Resit placements are paid £400
Please ensure that any changes to your BACS details are communicated to St Mary’s.
When offering places via our electronic portal for 2022/23, the Professional Co-ordinating Mentor (PCM) will be asked to confirm their acceptance of the Partnership Agreement. Without confirmation of the Partnership Agreement we will be unable to pay for the placements on offer.
5. The Partnership Strategic Board (PSB)
This group will meet termly, with an agenda based on schools and St Mary’s needs and a strong focus on the Quality Assurance of the Partnership. The meeting will be held ‘virtually’ with the recorded link distributed to all PCMs to view.
Any School Manager or Professional Coordinating Mentor (PCM) can be part of the PSB and we welcome active participants for the group year on year.
6. Partnership Responsibilities
By consenting to the Partnership Agreement, the school and St Mary’s University agree to form a Partnership and commit the institutions to:
ensuring compliance with the DfE ITT Requirements; and
ensuring that St Mary’s University Programme Specifications for the award of Qualified Teacher Status and/or the Post Graduate Certificate in Education are met.
As the Accredited Provider St Mary’s University will be the lead partner for communication with DfE regarding the award of Qualified Teacher Status.
7. Quality Assurance
Core PGCE and BAITT trainees will be registered as St Mary’s University trainees. In this way all St Mary’s University Quality Assurance procedures will apply.
St Mary’s will provide visits from External Examiners who will operate under the regulations of St Mary’s University. The External Examiner will support and quality assure the assessment of approximately 10% of finalist trainees against the Standards for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Student Staff Forum
Core trainee representatives will report to the University PGCE Student Staff Forum twice in the academic year. The minutes are then fed back to the full SPB as well as Monitoring & Quality Assurance (M&QA) Link Tutor meetings. These minutes are placed on the Partnership Portal for all partners to access.
8. Partnership Staffing
School-based staff will contribute to the interview procedure of trainees alongside university staff where possible.
The Partnership will ensure that schools provide appropriate experienced staff for mentoring and the Partnership will ensure appropriate training for such Mentors. All Mentors MUST have undertaken designated mentor training and undertaken joint lesson observations with M&QA Link Tutors as part of their training.
University M&QA Link Tutors will liaise with PCMs and CBMs (class-based mentors) to ensure individual training needs are met.
9. Mentor Training
Many school-based staff have significant experience of working as a CBM (class-based mentor) and/or PCM. The current partnership has a wealth of expertise in providing effective training for such staff. Mentor training is available throughout the academic year, and can be accessed live on line or in recorded sessions. All information is on the Mentor Zone of the portal.
PCMs will ensure that there is access to school-based training activities for trainees, support and training for Mentors, and will provide guidance in the assessment of trainees. Please see the Partnership Portal (Mentor Zone) for more information.
10. Assessment
For all trainees, judgements and decisions relating to progress and attainment will be the responsibility of the CBM working with the PCM and the University M&QA Link Tutor, and will be reported to the University Examination Boards.
Recommendation for QTS:
All trainees in their final placement must be assessed as ‘Met’ in each of the eight Teachers’ Standards (and Part 2) to be recommended for the award of QTS. This will be monitored and assessed through use of the Assessment Profiles used by the St Mary’s trainees. All Primary ITT trainees will be assessed in the 5-11 age range.
11. Safeguarding
St Mary’s University will undertake an enhanced DBS check of all trainees which includes a check of the children’s barred list. The outcome of this check will be formally notified to the school.
Schools do not have to (but may wish to) record this evidence on their single central record (DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education, September 2021).
Please note: St Mary’s would be deemed non-compliant in sharing a trainee disclosure as it is an offence under the 1997 Police Act punishable by fine and / or imprisonment AND for the school to obtain such information (DfE update January 2015).
Where a school allows an individual to start work in regulated activity before the DBS certificate is available, they should ensure that the individual is appropriately supervised (DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education).
If St Mary’s University removes a trainee from a programme because that trainee has harmed or poses a risk of harm to children, advice will be sought from and a report will be sent to DBS.
There are some convictions, offences, cautions and warnings that would not pose a barrier to a trainee joining a programme of ITT. Cases where disclosures are made will be considered by the Head of Admissions and the Registrar and where necessary, the Programme Director and the Head of the School of Education. These will then be anonymised and discussed with strategic partners to ensure transparency.
It is the responsibility of the trainee to inform St Marys University if there are any changes to the content of a DBS. Failure to do so could result in termination of programme.
St Mary’s full Safeguarding Policy for ITT can be found on the Partnership Portal
12. Withdrawal from the Partnership Agreement
Following joint consultation, either the school or university may withdraw from this agreement if there is evidence of a change in circumstances which would affect the quality of the training experience provided.
It is understood that all partners will do their utmost to avoid late cancellation of placements and that withdrawal during a placement is reserved only for exceptional circumstances and after communication between Partnership Managers and PCMs.
13. De-selection
University M&QA link tutors may de-select schools after consultation with the Head of ITT Partnerships and the PCM in any Partnership School, if there is evidence of an inability to meet the quality assurance demands within this Partnership Agreement. This would be relayed to the PCM in writing.
Appendix 1: Roles and commitments
The University will:
provide a Programme Director and M&QA link tutor to ensure the fulfilment of the responsibilities of the University, which are specified here;
be responsible for all administrative matters related to course accreditation, inspection, assessment and examination procedures and quality assurance;
work with all schools to manage and co-ordinate the course;
provide training opportunities for all staff involved in delivering the course;
share the University-based programme content;
audit each trainee's subject knowledge and make arrangements for trainees to be assessed against all the required Teachers’ Standards by the end of the course;
provide personal guidance and support for trainees through academic staff tutorials and access to expert counselling, if required, through Student Services and/or the Students Union;
provide trainees with training in awareness of their legal status in school and of e-safety procedures;
ensure that trainees undertake DBS clearance and provide partners with confirmation that the DBS has been undertaken;
ensure that trainees undertake a ‘Fitness to Teach’ assessment;
aim to ensure that trainees are placed in diverse settings that could include challenging socio-economic placements;
ensure that all procedures are carried out for the final assessment of trainees for the award of the PGCE and/or Qualified Teacher Status, and for the completion of an ECT transition document;
closely monitor trainees work life balance to protect the trainee’s well-being and challenge unnecessary workload demands.
The Partnership School will:
ensure that all trainees are provided with clear guidance in respect of the safeguarding of children with special reference to Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, September 2021);
provide a senior and experienced member of staff, taking leadership of ITT, to fulfil the role of the Professional Co-ordinating Mentor (PCM) and make appropriate provision for them to carry out these responsibilities;
provide Class-Based Mentors who have the appropriate knowledge and understanding, the pedagogical skills, and the interpersonal qualities, willingness and time to support trainees in developing the assessed standards;
ensure that all CBMs receive appropriate training and support to fulfil their roles in ITT and to the trainee teacher;
provide appropriate training and support for trainees including a guaranteed weekly training meeting between CBM and trainee, the outcome of which is recorded on the outcome of which is recorded on Abyasa Pro. It is anticipated that this will normally run for 50-60 minutes;
provide the trainee with an induction to the school and training in whole-school issues;
provide access to information on the school’s use of a range of data to support pupil learning and progress;
include trainees in parents' meetings, reporting to parents / carers and other meetings deemed to support a good training experience;
include trainees in the school’s wider professional development programme;
participate in the assessment of trainees and course evaluation and monitoring procedures;
keep the Link Tutor and/or the Partnership office informed of any developments in school that might affect adversely the quality of the trainee experience in school;
closely monitor trainee’s work life balance and well-being and challenge unnecessary workload demands.
The Professional Co-ordinating Mentor (PCM) will:
act as the first point of contact with the Partnership Office in co-ordinating all aspects of school placements;
have responsibility for quality assuring all aspects of training and assessment within their own school e.g. by monitoring the provision of weekly training meetings and the observation of trainee teachers’ lessons via Abyasa;
co-ordinate the on-going development and quality of all ITT mentoring within the school;
complete an evaluation of school-based training;
manage the school-based aspects of any Additional Support Procedure (ASP) for a trainee issues or any issues of concern for a trainee, ensuring that all involved (trainee, CBM, university M&QA Link Tutor) are informed, in good time, of the concerns, targets, time-frame and outcomes agreed.
The Class-Based Mentor will:
work closely with the PCM and Link Tutor to ensure the quality, coherence, consistency and appropriateness of the school-based training provided;
provide induction into classroom procedures, data (e.g. target grades for school pupils), resources and specifications as appropriate;
plan a timetable that meets the training needs of the trainee as appropriate and as advised in the training plan;
ensure that the timetable includes a designated time-slot for the Weekly Training Meeting where progress against the Teachers’ Standards is discussed and appropriate targets are set on Abyasa. The trainee will bring evidence against the standards to these training meetings and record the discussion for the mentor to agree and confirm;
receive and approve the trainee teacher’s lesson plans in good time and provide appropriate feed-back in time for the trainee to make agreed amendments;
ensure that the trainee is formally observed once a week during School Experience and is provided with written feedback in relation to the Teachers’ Standards, using the Lesson feedback record form provided;
jointly observe with the university M&QA Link Tutor and/or PCM as appropriate as part of their training (agreed in advance);
complete the trainee Progress or Assessment Profile by the due date at the end of each block, with the trainee and possibly the university M&QA Link Tutor and/or PCM;
identify in the trainee Progress/Assessment Profile areas for development for the next phase of training in relation to the Teachers’ Standards and work with the trainee to set SMART targets and agree a plan of action;
complete a short evaluation of the placement to support ongoing improvements within the Partnership.
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The University M&QA Link Tutor will:
complete an initial training meeting at the start of each placement block to communicate placement expectations; provide Abyasa training and to answer any initial questions the CBM and/or PCM may have.
visit trainees during school placements to carry out an initial meeting and two QA checks of the placement, and to monitor trainee progress and well-being (one QA visit for BAITT year 1);
support the training and development needs of the trainee through joint observation with mentor where required;
quality assure the training provision the trainee is receiving to ensure the Partnership Agreement is adhered to;
complete an M&QA report on their visit and share via Abyasa.
complete a short evaluation of the placement to support ongoing improvements within the Partnership
Appendix 2: Course structure 2022 – 23