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Safeguarding is a priority for all involved in initial teacher education at St Mary's University.

All trainees will have received safeguarding training prior to commencing their school experience and are expected to be proactive in engaging with their school's policies and protocols in the early part of their placement. This will be checked by their Link Tutor during the initial training meeting. 

Safeguarding policy and process

As part of our recruitment and enrolment processes, trainees will have gone through a series of checks to ensure they are suitable to work with children. These are detailed on our Safeguarding overview. Further information is also provided in the St Mary's ITT Safeguarding Policy.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

While on school experience, trainees should follow the safeguarding processes in their setting. As such, they should demonstrate a secure understanding of the school policy and know who the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is. 

If you have concerns about a trainee on school experience, please report this by contacting a School of Education Designated Safeguarding Lead or Officer. Details of which can be found on the St Mary's safeguarding page.