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St Mary's uses a web application called Abyasa to monitor trainee progress during placements. Trainees and Link Tutors have automatic access to Abyasa using their St Mary's University login details. PCMs may have exisiting access to Abyasa and new trainees will appear on their dashboard when placements start. Mentors must be invited by the trainee at the beginning of the placement and it is through the invitation process that mentors are able to set up a username and password to gain access to their trainee's Abyasa account.

Mentors, PCMs, trainees and tutors often have similar queries, and we have collated the answers to these on an FAQs page. We have collated answers to our most frequently asked questions, but if your query is not answered or you are still having difficulties, please send an email to Abyasa Help ( Please note, a screenshot of your whole screen is often helpful when resolving your query.

Abyasa videos





The front login page for Abyasa Pro has two options – University login and non-university login.

PCMs, Mentors, CBMs, ECTs and AO

PCMs, mentors, CBMs, ECTs and Assessment Only trainees should choose the Non-university login option and use your existing username and password to log in. See other FAQs on this page if you are not sure of your username and/or password.

University staff and students

Anyone with a St Mary’s ID – staff, link tutors, students – will choose the University login. 

If you are already signed in to your university account (e.g. if you’ve been using OneDrive, or moodle) the University login button will send you directly to your Abyasa homepage. 

If you are not yet logged in to your university account, clicking the button will redirect you to the university login page, where your username will use the format / You should then be directed back to Abyasa.

If you cannot log in to the university portal, there is an issue with your University ID. Try updating your password at!/. 

If you still have difficulties, please contact the IT helpdesk and ask for help with your St Mary’s login. 

NB Abyasa Help can’t resolve issues with university logins. 

Secondary PCMs (Professional Co-ordinating Mentor, in charge of ITT at your school), will be sent a link before the start of the school placement to create your Abyasa username and password.

Mentors are invited to Abyasa by their trainee at the start of the placement. If you are new to working with St Mary's students, you will set up your username and password as part of this process.

If you are having difficulty remembering your log in details, please email and request an update link.

When you log in to Abyasa as a teacher, you should see a table on your home page with the names of any trainees you are supporting.

If you are a mentor, each trainee needs to invite you to view their timeline records. Ask them to send you an invitation, and look out for an email from Abyasa help with the subject line: Invitation to use Abyasa Pro. Use the link in that email to find your Abyasa teacher record (or create a new one) and this links you with your trainee. If you have problems with the process, please email Abyasa Help with a screenshot of where you have got to.

PCMs should be able to view the timelines all St Mary's trainees at their school. If you have problems, please email Abyasa Help.

Most document types can be uploaded to Abyasa – Word document, Excel spreadsheet, PDF, JPG. 

Please check the file size and keep this to a minimum. If you have a large image file, it is worth exporting it to PDF and reducing the file size as you save it. 

File naming is also important. Try to keep to letters and numbers rather than using special characters. There are certain special characters that should definitely be avoided, as these will prevent upload altogether. 

Special characters to avoid when providing file name: 

  • / - Front slash 
  • \ - Backslash 
  • : - Colon 
  • ? - Question mark 
  • * - Asterisk 
  • | - Vertical Bar 
  • < - Less than 
  • > - Greater than