Course lead for the LLM in International Business Law in the School of Law and Society at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Anush Ganesh has spoken at two international legal conferences in recent weeks.
Anush presented his paper titled, ‘Predatory Pricing in platform markets: A modified test for firms within the scope of Article 3 of the DMA’ at the 114th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS), Oxford Brookes university (EU and Competition Law Panel) on 27th June 2023 with other presenters from Brazil, Norway and Ireland.
SLS is the learned society for those engaged in law teaching and/or legal scholarship and hosts the premier law academic conference in the UK every year on all areas concerning law teaching and legal scholarship.

Taking his experience from SLS, Anush Ganesh proceeded to Athens to present the same paper at the 18th conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (Ascola), University of Athens on 29th June 2023 in the ‘Digital Markets Act’ panel with other presenters from Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Italy and the UK.
Ascola is an association composed of personalities committed, in their scholarship, to the development of competition law, policy and studies worldwide. The conference consisted of 140 papers on competition law and policy and was held over 3 days with 37 parallel sessions. The conference was also attended by Herbert Hovenkamp who is arguably the most influential competition law academic in the world.
The paper that was presented can be found in the Centre for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia website over here- https://competitionpolicy.ac.uk/publications/predatory-pricing-in-platform-markets-a-modified-test-for-firms-within-the-scope-of-article-3-of/.