The Law School at St Mary’s University Twickenham recently hosted a careers evening for students in the historic Waldegrave Suite.
The evening consisted of two parts, a discussion between the Right Honourable Lord Justice Singh and HHJ Lodder QC on the 'Unity of Law', which was followed by a networking dinner with legal professionals.
The event marked the end of the academic year, and stimulated and stretched students, both in their learning and their career aspirations. The event aimed to show the many paths into a career in Law and to equip students with the networking skills needed to succeed in professional environments.

The St Mary’s Law School was delighted to the legal professions who joined the networking dinner: Lord Justice Singh (Court of Appeal), Judge Lodder (Resident Judge Kingston Crown Court), Russell Conway (Senior Partner Oliver Fisher Solicitors), Shoshana Mitchell (Barrister, Normanton Chambers), Anthony Trace QC (Unity Legal Solutions), Cmdr Caila Barnett (Recruitment Officer, Navy), Andrew Browning (University Secretary and Head of Governance at St Mary’s University, Twickenham), Millicent Grant QC (Hon) (Former President of Cilex), Edward Hurley (Barriste, College Chambers), Pechate Mehehyong Recruitment Officer for the Met Police, Estella Newbold-Brown (Senior Partner, Stowe Solicitors), Jo Shortland (Senior Partner, Oliver Fisher Solicitors), Trevor D Sterling (Senior Partner Moore Barlow Solicitors and first black partner of a top 100 Law firm), Kiran Walia (Director at Garner and Hancock Solicitors), Mark Watson-Gandy (Barrister, 3 Stone); and our amazing former students Alex Dawson (Solicitor DMH Stallard LLP), Harpreet Bains (CPS barrister) and Eleanor Toomey (solicitor Jeffries Solicitor).
Students changed tables with every course to give opportunities to network and connect with as many of the legal professionals as possible.