St Mary’s University, Twickenham has today announced five full postgraduate scholarships open to those who were citizens of, resident in, or students in Ukraine on 23rd February.
The scholarships are for entry to St Mary's in September 2022, and if places remain, will also be open to students beginning courses in January or September 2023. The awards cover 100% of the course tuition fees.
The University offers a number of distance learning masters’ degrees, allowing successful applicants to the scholarships to complete their studies if they wish to remain in Ukraine or another country in which they have sought refuge.
The scholarships are available for the following programmes for either full-time of part-time study:
- Two places for MA Catholic Social Teaching or MA Catholic School Leadership*
- One place for MA Social Justice and Public Service
- Two places on any St Mary’s Master’s Degree**
Speaking of the scholarships, St Mary’s Vice-Chancellor Anthony McClaran said, “As an institution, we believe in the transformative power of education. It allows people from all walks of life to change their outcomes through developing skills and accessing knowledge. We feel it is our moral duty to provide access to education for people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, to help the successful applicants to rebuild their lives after such an appalling upheaval.
“Students and staff across the university, and indeed throughout the higher education sector, have been deeply touched by the harrowing images of the war in Ukraine and the plight of civilians escaping the conflict. Students have raised substantial sums of money for refugees from Ukraine and students and staff have helped in other ways. We have also come to together as a community to hold vigils and pray for victims of the conflict. I am sure our entire community will be delighted to hear of the provision of these scholarships for victims of the war and welcome the successful applicants with open arms.”
St Mary’s University has a proud history of widening access to education. The University was founded in 1850 by the Catholic Poor Schools Committee to meet the need for teachers to provide an education for the growing number of poor Catholic children.
Full details for applying to the scholarships can be found the St Mary’s website www.stmarys.ac.uk/ukraine-scholarship
*distance learning is available on these St Mary’s courses
**distance learning is available on a number of St Mary’s Masters’ courses. This includes St Mary’s extensive suite of applied health programmes.