Dr Jacob Johanssen, Course Lead for BA Communications and Marketing and Doctoral programme Co-Lead at St Mary’s University, Twickenham has won the Lotte Köhler Prize for Psychoanalytic Developmental, Cultural and Social Psychology in the junior category.
The prize is awarded by the Sigmund Freud Institute (University of Frankfurt) and the Kilian Köhler Centre (Ruhr University Bochum). It “recognizes excellent scholars who have contributed to the profile and dissemination of psychoanalytic, cultural, and social psychological developmental research through their research.”
Professor Vera King, Director of the Sigmund Freud Institute and member of the jury, commented: “I congratulate Jacob Johanssen for being awarded the Lotte Köhler Prize 2021 in the junior category as a recognition of his work on digital media and psychoanalysis.”
Speaking of the award, Jacob Johanssen said, “I am delighted to be receiving the award and very honoured that my work is acknowledged in this way. I am keen to institutionalise the field of psychoanalytic media studies and the award is a testament to my efforts, collaborations and research.”
The Lotte Köhler Prize 2021 in the main category will be awarded to Prof. em. Dr. Sudhir Kakar (Goa University, India). The award ceremony will take place online on 10 March. If you are interested in participating, please register by sending an e-mail to: kkc@rub.de