Alumnus of the MSc Applied Sport Psychology at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Lloyd Emeka is presenting the research findings from his dissertation Lived Experiences of Pain Tolerance in Ultra-Running as part of an online panel discussion on the 10th March.
The online event will feature a discussion with a panel of ultra-running and endurance performance experts: Sport Physiotherapist Lucy Sacarello is a Chartered Physiotherapist who has worked with endurance athletes for several years. She has a passion for ultra-trail marathons and has recently completed the Val D’Aran 105km ultra, finishing fourth place.
Sarah Cameron is an ultra-endurance coach who has helped athletes achieve their goals in a range of events including marathons and 100 miles. She has also represented Team GB and NI as an athlete in the six-hour category and was selected to race over a 24-hour period in the European Championships.
Robbie Britton is an ultra-runner, coach and author who has raced over a number of distances ranging from 3000m to 261km in one day. He has represented Team GB multiple times racing over 24-hours, which includes finishing third at the 2015 World and European Championships.
Dr Carla Meijen is a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Applied Sport Psychology at St Mary’s. She specialises in endurance performance inspired by her work providing brief mental support at running events and has published a book on endurance performance.
Speaking of the event, alumnus Lloyd Emeka said, “Understanding how and why pain is tolerated within Ultra-Running has been an under-researched area so far. It will be a pleasure to share my research findings, and discuss some of the wider implications and practical solutions with the panel speakers”
Senior Lecturer in Applied Sport Psychology at St Mary’s Dr Carla Meijen said, “Pain, and especially the willingness to expose oneself to pain is one of the key psychological demands of ultra-endurance. I am looking forward to discussing the impact the lived experiences of pain tolerance with Lloyd and the panel”
The event is free to attend and will be held on zoom from 8pm-9pm. If you would like to attend, please join online