Dr Nathan Shedd, an alumnus of the Centre for the Study of Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity (CJCA) at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and previous recipient of a St Mary’s studentship, has had his PhD published by Baylor University Press.
A Dangerous Parting: The Beheading of John Baptist in Early Christian Memory, explores the symbolism of execution by beheading and the communicative impact of the tradition of John the Baptist's decapitation in the first three centuries of the Common Era.
Speaking of the publication, Dr Shedd said “My book could not have seen the light of day without the opportunities and support St. Mary's University provided me. I'm especially grateful for my two supervisors, Professors Chris Keith and James Crossley. Their investment in their students is one of the reasons why the CJCA has garnered an international reputation as one of the leading epicentres of cutting-edge research on Christianity and Judaism.”
Director of CJCA at St Mary’s, Professor Chris Keith said, “Dr Shedd’s thesis is innovative and makes an original contribution. We could not be prouder of him and how he represents us. His work is evidence of what happens when the university invests in its PhD students.”