St Mary's University, Twickenham is delighted to announce TEDxStMarysUniversity, a day of engaging talks on a range of subjects.
The event will be held at The Exchange, Twickenham on 21st May, 3pm-10pm. The theme of the event is Beyond the Boundaries of Discipline.
The event will feature 15 talks each lasting 18 minutes from guest speakers and lecturers across the University, including Education, Theology, and Business. There will be topical discussions around whether traditional university is dead, ethics of vaccine passports, and climate change. Or if you want to find out about what connects Jay-Z, The Beatles and Dangermouse, or the relationship between science and religion, TEDx is the event for you.
TED is a non-profit organisation that, for the last 30 years, has been encouraging people to share their ideas. TEDx is an initiative endorsed by TED to enable local communities to hold their own events that emulate TED Talks and encourage an inclusive space to generate debate and discussion.
The Exchange is located opposite Twickenham Station and is used for public and university related events. The building has a theatre and six studio rooms. Past events hosted at the venue include flagship BBC Radio 4 programme Any Questions?, comedian Russell Brand, Jason Manford’s Comedy Club, Ruby Wax and regular student events including the annual Society Awards.
Find out more and book your ticket on The Exchange website.