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Aquinas Centre Helps Coordinate National Series of CREDO Days

The Aquinas Centre helped to co-ordinate the national series of ‘CREDO Days’ supporting those teaching RE in Catholic schools.

The Aquinas Centre for Theological Literacy at St Mary's University recently helped to coordinate the national series of ‘CREDO Days’, helping to support those teaching RE in Catholic schools. 

For the first time, this year profiled work being done in Primary as well as Secondary schools with Margaret Carswell contributing a well-received workshop on the Bible in the classroom.

There were interactive sessions on the revision of the RE Curriculum Directory by Philip Robinson of the Catholic Education Service but also a keynote by Prof David Albert Jones on Transgender Identity and Catholic Education.

Prof Jones has published pioneering work in this area and a link to one of his recent articles on the subject is accessible via the St Mary's University Open Research Archive.

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