Spaces are available for St Mary’s University, Twickenham’s SIMMSport multi-sport camps this half term, 27th-31st May.
The SIMMSport camps provide an enriching, inclusive and welcoming environment where children of all abilities can try a range of sports and activities. Up to 15 different sports are delivered across the week to ensure there is a great variety in activities and everyone has the chance to try something new and fun!
Camps take place using our world-class facilities including the Sir Mo Farah Athletics Track, grass pitches, and new sports centre. Children are coached by our team of qualified coaches and can choose to attend individual days or sign up for the full camp.
During the multi-sport camps children experience a mixture of games, group coaching and individual skills. Sports & activities include:
Football Kwik Cricket
Baseball Trampoline
Boccia Basketball
Gaelic Football
Tchoukball Netball
Volleyball Outdoor Adventurous Activities
Athletics Goalball
Parkour Mini Tennis
Tag Rugby Record Breakers
Orienteering Team Building
Rounders Gymnastics
Ultimate Frisbee Hockey
Badminton Handball

To book, please call 020 8240 4334. Payment is required at the time of booking to confirm your space.
Multi-Sport camps will run during the Easter, summer half-term and summer school holiday.
For more information email us at simmsport@stmarys.ac.uk