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The RFL ‘Surprise and Delight’ St Mary’s Rugby League Team

On Wednesday 4th February the Rugby League team at St Mary’s University, Twickenham were treated to a ‘Surprise and Delight’ session with The RFL

On Wednesday 4th February the Rugby League team at St Mary’s University, Twickenham were treated to a ‘Surprise and Delight’ session with The Rugby Football League (RFL) for their home victory against Oxford University. ‘Surprise and Delight’ is a new programme run by The RFL to enhance the player and spectator experience of University Rugby League, aiming to create a cup final experience for players. Games are selected for the ‘Surprise and Delight’ experience as a reward for teams who have worked hard off the pitch to develop Rugby League at their universities. Stephen Guan, Education Officer at The RFL, said of the ‘Surprise and Delight’ programme, “The main objective of the programme is to give the players a great experience. They put in the hard yards each week and this is a way we can say thanks while at the same time promoting the Rugby League club on campus and amongst the student population. “St Mary’s has been a pinnacle club for us this year and hats off to them and the university for the work they have done and where they have got the club to this season.” To create the cup final experience, an RFL events van travelled down from Leeds on the morning of the game and dressed up the changing rooms at St Mary’s and provided match day hospitality for the teams with sports drinks, warm up t-shirts and towels, amongst other treats on offer. The pitch was fully dressed out with RFL and University Rugby League branding which gave the pitch that professional look and feel. The players were also given the full media treatment with a match day photographer and media team interviewing the players on the day. Josh Moss, St Mary’s Athletics Union President said, “It really was a fantastic occasion for our Rugby League team who have performed incredibly well all season. To welcome a university like Oxford always adds to the occasion but to welcome them in such a great atmosphere that has been created by The RFL gave both teams and spectators a game to remember. It was a fitting way to end a great league season for our team and along with the Simms RL and the spectators I would like to say a massive thank you to Stephen and his team.”

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