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St Mary’s to Host Inaugural METRE Sphere Event

Primary and secondary teachers with an interest in mathematics are being invited to a new, exclusive networking event at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.

Primary and secondary teachers with an interest in mathematics are being invited to a new and exclusive event at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, which will offer a platform to network and share innovative practice in mathematics education. The inaugural event, Mathematics Education Teaching Research Enterprise (METRE) Sphere, will be held on Tuesday 25th November. The Spheres are forums where excellence in mathematics education will be shared, critiqued and celebrated.  Each Sphere will present a guest speaker, with Dr Gwen Ineson (Lecturer in Primary Education at Brunel University) presenting the first event later this month. Topics of discussion will include how to inspire children to be mathematicians within the framework of the new mathematics curriculum. The presentation will be followed by small group discussions where ideas will be shared and practices explained. Teachers are invited to bring an idea or innovation that they would like to share and exchange in order to find out what others are doing to implement the new curriculum. Having had its Primary and Secondary Initial Education courses judged to be ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, the government department that regulates teacher training, St Mary’s has a strong heritage in teacher training. The event will take place between 5-7pm in room K114-K115 at the University’s Strawberry Hill campus. For more information and to RSVP, please email Christine Edwards-Leis at

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