The Centre for the Philosophy of History at St Mary’s University, Twickenham will host a research seminar next month titled ‘History, Ethics and Justice’ with guest speakers Dr Berber Bevernage and Dr Anton Froeyman from Ghent University.
The event will take place on Tuesday 7th October at 2.30pm and forms part of the Futures of History seminar series organised by the Centre for the Philosophy of History.
During the seminar Dr Berber Bevernage and Dr Anton Froeyman who are part of the organising team of the International Network for Theory of History will give two papers. Berber Bevernage’s paper explores ‘History courted by law: Some reflections on the judicialisation of history, historicisation of jurisdiction’ whilst Anton Froeyman’s paper provides an overview of ‘Ethics for historians’.
Papers will be followed by an informal discussion and tea/coffee with homemade cake.
The seminar is open to staff, students and members of the public without registration. The seminar will take place from 2.30-4.30pm in the Senior Common Room of St Mary’s Strawberry Hill campus.
For further information please contact claire.norton@stmarys.ac.uk
or mark.donnelly@stmarys.ac.uk.