Staff may be eligible for a variety of IT equipment from either central IT funding, or via purchase by your department. To find out what equipment you are eligible for from central IT funding, please see our computer replacement policy below, or read through our set of FAQs further down the page.
IT Equipment and Software Provisioning Policy (Staff only)
Please see below for a set of frequently asked questions for new IT equipment and replacement equipment.
New starters
SMU employees with a permanent or fixed-term contract (remote, hybrid or onsite) are entitled to SMU issued equipment, which consists of a laptop and a USB headset. Staff are also entitled to a hotdesk on campus, including a monitor, docking station, keyboard and mouse. Depending on office space, these may be shared with other staff members.
Please allow at least 5 working days after requesting equipment for this to be ready for a new starter.
Please submit a request for new starter equipment using the form below.
New starter order form
Yes, you can swap an existing desktop PC for a laptop and docking station. To request a swap please submit a Cyclical Replacement form below.
Cyclical Replacement Form
Ye, you can request to keep your IT equipment when leaving the university, however this is subject to approval from IT and Finance.
Please note that any equipment that is less than 3 years old will be returned to circulation and will not be available for purchase.
To submit a request please visit TopDesk Knowledge Item KI 1506, or click the button below, and follow the instructions provided.
Purchasing IT equipment from the university
All equipment must be returned to the Service Desk in the library before being given to another staff member, due to privacy and security requirements. The hiring or line manager is required to request IT equipment for a new starter separately by submitting the New Starter Order Form.
If you would like to order additional equipment that is not provided by standard, for example a second monitor, dual monitor mount, or a specific model of peripheral device, please submit a request for equipment via the form below.
Please note that this will be charged to your department's cost centre.
Non-standard equipment order form