Alongside on-campus teaching, you will also engage with a wide range of digital and web-based technologies to support your learning. This will include a combination of the following platforms:

Moodle is the University’s virtual learning environment for access to all learning content, materials, activities, reading lists and submission of your work.

Panopto is used by your lecturers to deliver pre-recorded or live recorded sessions to aid revision. All video recordings in the University are hosted in Panopto but the videos are shared with you in Moodle. You may also be asked to upload videos for assessment in Panopto.

Zoom may be used by your lecturers to deliver live online sessions which include lectures, seminars, group or 1:1 meetings. Any Zoom meetings may be recorded and shared with you on Moodle.

Turnitin sits within Moodle and is a tool used by St Mary’s to support academic integrity, streamline online submissions for collection, marking and feedback of your written assessment.

Mahara is a platform to help you build a media rich e-portfolio of your development and reflection of your learning. This can be used to showcase your work, skills and achievement with peers, tutors and potential employers. You may be asked to submit a Mahara portfolio for assessment.

Office 365 is available to all St Mary’s students where you can access key Microsoft Office products including email. All University communication including from your lecturers will be sent to your University email account.

Primo is a search engine in the Library providing you fast and easy access to University’s collection of books, journals and e-resources.

e:Vision is used for access to your student records where you can check your personal information, enrolment details, modules you are taking and your grades.

Your Timetable is accessible through your Office 365 account in your Outlook calendar.