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For those of you new to St Mary's and / or new to Higher Education, please see below for a list of useful acronyms:
Higher Education sector acronyms
BA / BSc Bachelor of Arts / Science
HE Higher Education
HEA Higher Education Academy
HEI Higher Education Institution
HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency
JISC Joint Information Systems Committee
KEF ​Knowledge Exchange Framework
LFHE Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
MA / MSc Masters of Arts / Science
NSS National Student Survey
OFS Office for Students
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
PGCE Postgraduate Certificate in Education
PGR Postgraduate Research
PGT Postgraduate Taught
QAA Quality Assurance Agency
REF Research Excellence Framework
RDAP Research Degree Awarding Powers
SSR Staff Student Ratio
TEF Teaching Excellence Framework

St Mary's University acronyms
AB Academic Board
ASC Academic Scrutiny Committee
ASE Academic Scrutiny Executive
CTESS Centre for Teaching Excellence and Student Success
CWL Centre for Workplace Learning​
FRC Finance & Resources Committee
IoE Institute of Education
IoTLA Institute of Theology and Liberal Arts
RB Recruitment Board
RED Research & Enterprise Development
​SAHPS ​Faculty of Sport, Allied Health, and Performance Sciences
SHAS Faculty of Sport, Health & Applied Sciences (now a part of SAHPS)
SMULIC St Mary's University London International College
SRS Student Records System
​TEL ​Technology Enhanced Learning Team
TLQEC Teaching, Learning & Quality Enhancement Committee
UEC University Executive Committee
URC University Research Committee