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Quick Start Guide for new staff

Welcome to St Mary's! We hope you are settling in and enjoying meeting your new colleagues.

This page has been developed to help you settle in during your first few weeks at St Mary's. The materials here act as an Employee Handbook and are a required part of your induction as a new member of staff.

There are three main elements of your induction:

  • Local induction: organised by your line manager
  • Welcome to St Mary's Induction: induction morning covering key organisational information and giving you the opportunity to network with fellow new starters. You will receive a calendar invitation to the next available event from Learning and People Development. Please contact if you are unable to attend the next available date or have not received an invitation.
  • Role specific induction: some roles require specific training. You will be contacted by your line manager if this applies to you.

If you need help during your induction period, please speak to your manager or contact