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Mediation is a confidential and informal process. It is voluntary for all staff, based on the principle of collaborative problem-solving.

Mediation offers an opportunity for parties to examine the relationship, their concerns and their needs. It is about rebuilding relationships, rather than apportioning blame. Mediators support all parties to focus on the future. To find out more please see mediation FAQ's.

Why mediation?

Mediation is increasingly used as an effective means of stopping negative conflict escalating between individuals or groups of individuals which can impact on staff wellbeing.

St Mary's mediators

We have several members of staff who are accredited workplace mediators. The diversity in mediator backgrounds supports an impartial service, aiming to match mediators with staff, with whom there is limited-to-no prior knowledge.

Why the co-mediation model?

Co-mediation uses two mediators and has many benefits including:

  • the division of tasks, making the process fair and efficient
  • the pooling of skills and learning
  • more attention given to each party.

Access to mediation

If you are a manager and would like to refer staff who would like to be supported through the mediation process, please fill in the attached form and email it to

If you are a member of staff who would like to consider mediation but do not want to ask your manager please contact your HR Partner who will be able to advise. Mediation will always be dependent on the agreement of both parties.

Mediation procedure

1: Referral

  • Manager or individual staff member completes a referral form and sends to the Mediation Coordinator via

2: Referral accepted

  • Confirmation of suitability communicated.
  • Mediators are assigned.
  • Mediators contact parties and agree the mediation data and times.

3: Mediation

  • Mediations are typically held over one working day.
  • Any written agreement is retained by the parties being mediated and all other notes are destroyed.

4: Post-mediation

  • Mediators contact parties for a review 3-6 months after mediation.