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Learning and People Development FAQs

What is the Learning and People Development service at St Mary's, and what do you do?

St Mary's is committed to providing appropriate development opportunities to ensure that individuals and departments are able to contribute fully to the achievement of departmental and University objectives in the context of their strategic plans.

Learning and People Development aims to support staff in their development by providing internal and external courses to help with self-development, and to support each individual throughout their career at St Mary’s.

Learning and People Development is not the remit purely of the Learning and People Development Team. It is a partnership between key central departments, leaders and managers, and staff themselves.

How do I book on a workshop or training?

To book onto a workshop or training, please email Learning and People Development

How do I find out what events are running and when they are taking place?

We promote our workshops and events via the weekly St Mary's newsletter (sent straight to your inbox), the StaffNet News section and the Learning and People Development StaffNet pages. Alternatively, if you are enquiring about a specific topic, please contact us for further information.

Who are your target audience at St Mary's?

We aim to provide development of opportunities for all colleagues within St Mary's. 

All staff have equality of access to the provisions of the Staff Developm​ent Policy and to Learning and People ​​Development opportunities.

What do you offer academic staff at St Mary's?

The Director of Teaching and Learning is happy to provide one-to-one guidance on teaching and learning, or to provide information on a range of resources which are designed to assist the student learning process. 

Other information can be obtained from your Faculty/Institute representative on the Teaching and Learning Committee or E-Learning Champions who are based within your Department. A list of these individuals can be found on the Technology Enhanced Learning section. Each Faculty/Institute also provides additional support for personal/professional staff development.

Where are you located?

The Learning and People Development Team is located on campus, in F201. 

We welcome you to visit us with any queries, suggestions and comments.

Who should I contact for specific requirements and/or further information?

For specific requirements and/or further information please contact the Learning and People Development Team via email ( or on ext. 4392.

What specifically do you provide funding for?

There is a central Learning and People Development budget for all support staff. The Learning and People Development budget will be determined by identified development needs.

Given normal budget limitations, this will normally be used to fund:

  • centrally organised activities
  • the payment of external short course fees that are specific and relevant to an individual’s job
  • attendance at conferences and exhibitions.

As well as the above, there is also an Academic Funding budget to support academic staff

Is my 'development' just about attending courses?

At St Mary's, we encourage lifelong learning through CPD, internal and external events. Your attendance at courses is certainly a part of your development, but we endeavour to support many other forms of development.