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Staff changes/status changes

Line managers are able to liase with their HR Business Partner's regarding any staff or status changes that will need to be actioned. Please submit all necessary information to your partner, who will be able to submit a status change form on your behalf.

We've provided you a number of examples of possible staff or status changes on this page.

Role changes, promotions, secondments, and salary increases

A staff or status change may include a change of role, responsibilties or salary. Once changes have been approved by HR and Finance, a status change form will be submitted by your HR Business Partner for action.

Flexible/hybrid working

Flexible working is the variation of working hours, times, patterns or location. It enables employees to work in ways that allow them to achieve a balance between work and other personal commitments, and enables the University to manage peaks and troughs in work. There are many different flexible working practices. Please see the flexible and hybrid working pages for different options that can be considered by the University. 

Subject and course lead allowance

Subject and course leads are groups of duties for which an academic member of staff receives an allowance of time in the Academic Workload Model and/or financial reward. The duties are time limited for up to three years.  

Subject Lead duties typically attract an allowance of between 150 and 500 hours to lead a group of aligned courses/programmes. Typically undertaken by colleagues of significant standing, Associate Professor and above, an allowance of up to £3,000 will be paid.  

Course lead duties typically attract an allowance of 150 to 250 hours to lead a course or group of small, aligned courses. Undertaken by academics at any stage of their career. By exception an allowance can be paid where additional complexity is identified.