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Welcoming your new starter

Onboarding is an essential part of the employee journey. It is the activity of integrating news starters into the University and helping them to familiarise them with our objectives and processes.

In order to help support you with this activity, please look at the information and resources to help you onboard your new starter successfully.

You should think about an onboarding plan to introduce them to the University's:

  • policies and culture
  • values
  • vision
  • terms and conditions of employment
  • their duties and responsibilities, review job description, and person specification together
  • tour of the University and where they work
  • introduce the new starter to colleagues
  • assign a buddy (possibly in a similar role to mentor through the early stages of the job)
  • ensure that they know about our communications tools eg Zoom, Microsoft Teams, MyTel
  • provide training or guidance on how to use the University's systems and tools
  • check up on the new starter regularly to make sure they are settling in well. 

Please take a look at our manager's new starter checklist which you may find helpful.

IT Access and Equipment

To obtain an IT account for your new member of staff you will need to forward a computer account form to your new starter to complete. You will then need to submit the completed form to the Service Desk via. TopDesk

To order IT equipment for your new member of staff - you'll need to raise a ticket via. TopDeskRead more information on ordering equipment.

  • SMU employees with a permanent or fixed-term contract (remote, hybrid or onsite) are entitled to SMU issued equipment, which consists of a laptop and a USB headset.
  • SMU employees who are on 0.5 FTE hours or less are not entitled to IT equipment from central IT funding. If a laptop or PC is required, this will be chargable to the department cost code.
  • If the new staff member is replacing a former staff member, or if an old role has been reworked into a new role, then the new staff member will be assigned the equipment from the previous role holder.

Please allow at least five working days after requesting equipment for this to be ready for a new starter.