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Flexible/Hybrid Working

Everything you need to know about flexible/hybrid working at St Mary's.

Clarity and consistency on the University approach to hybrid working and guidance for line managers and teams on working in a hybrid environment has been requested in feedback from the Staff Engagement Survey and requests to HR from members of staff and their line managers.

Hybrid working is a form of flexible working. Flexible working gives an employee a degree of flexibility on how long, where, when, and what times they work. Hybrid working is a combination of remote/home and workplace working. 

Our hybrid working guidance has been produced in consultation with the SLT, Staff EDI networks, and the Trade Unions.

The guidance is not intended to be exhaustive, nor can it be, as no single set of arrangements will suit individual and team preferences, or all areas or roles within the University. It is intended to assist in outlining the overall approach of the University to hybrid working, and provide guidance on aspects of working in a hybrid way and associated expectations. 

A hybrid toolkit has also been developed with IT and Learning and People Development colleagues to provide some practical tips, training, and information to support hybrid working in teams and individually.

The right to flexible working

All employees who have worked for the University for at least 26 weeks are entitled to request flexible working hours.This right used to only be for working parents but now applies to everyone.

Nevertheless, it is likely to be a request that working parents will make in order to facilitate childcaring arrangements. Flexible working arrangements represent a permanent change in hours – once agreed, the hours should not be changed again without further agreement from the member of staff, and their line manager.

The change can include the following:

  • changing start/finish times
  • working from home or another location
  • shorter hours
  • more/less days.

Employees can only make one statutory request per 12 months – whilst they can make informal requests in shorter time frames, the University (the line manager) does not need to consider them.

Formal applications should be made to the line manager, by completing the flexible working request form. The employee will be invited to attend a meeting with the line manager to discuss their application within 28 working days.

If the line manager wishes to accept the request, they should confirm this in writing, alongside the date for which the flexible working is to begin. It should also be specified if a trial period will take place first.

The line manager does not have to approve the request, however if it is rejected, sound reasons should be provided

Management and staff can also negotiate an arrangement that works for both parties.

For further information and guidance on flexible/hybrid working, please see: